Intuition Warnings: 7 Intuitive Senses Use 33 Strategies to Reduce Stress and Increase Safety

Everyone has intuition, an inherent ability to obtain extended information about people, places, things, and situations, without using logic, physical senses, or prior knowledge. At different times in your life, your intuition whispers and screams warnings about harmful actions and dangerous happenings, through seven intuitive senses: Intuitive vision is the ability to see images that flicker, stop, or rotate in […]

6 ridiculous misconceptions about veganism and vegetarianism

There are many misconceptions surrounding vegetarian living; Some good and some bad. Over the years, like feminists, vegetarians and vegans have become lobbyists and now it’s not about healthy eating anymore; just a dietary competition. Many people end up being part of the vegetarian team, not because they want to, but because they have heard some interesting points about veganism […]

Common Themes in Addictions

It doesn’t matter if the addiction is to substances, gambling, alcohol, shopping, or sex. All those with an addiction share things in common: 1. Strong Feelings – Everyone has a wide range of feelings that can be positive or negative. However, people who lead with their feelings often end up living in the ditch! Over the years, I have found […]

About Labrador Retrievers – Top Dog Breed

The more you learn about Labrador Retrievers, the easier it will be to see why they are one of the most popular dog breeds in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Labradors, often called laboratoriesThey are very friendly, kind and intelligent dogs. They respond enthusiastically to praise and positive attention, which is why they are considered one of […]

Things you should know about solar energy

Solar energy is quickly becoming a new way for off-grid families to enjoy the same luxuries that many families with electricity enjoy. As the cost of bringing electricity to rural areas continues to rise and the cost of installing renewable energy systems declines, this is now the most cost-effective option. Families that haven’t made the switch yet are often full […]

How to bet football games: ways to do it!

How to bet football matches? Perhaps, this is the first question that a beginning player asks in his mind when deciding to bet on his favorite team. The answer to this question is that there are many ways. Each form has its own defined set of rules that must be followed in order for the gambling game to proceed properly. […]

Aruba’s Food Diversity

Aruba’s diversity of dining options is as varied as the population of people who have made this beautiful island their home and the history that makes this country so interesting. From great food, fantastic atmosphere, and great views, Aruba restaurants offer menus that will blow your mind and have your taste buds tingling all the way home. There are many […]