Domain theft: how to prevent domain name hijacking and what to do about it

Domain theft, also known as domain hijacking, is the practice of changing a domain name’s registration without the permission of the original registrant. While many may assume that domain hijacking is accomplished through nefarious methods, domain hijackers often acquire the domain owner’s personal information to persuade the domain registrar to transfer the domain to the hijacker. Because there are currently […]

the spiritual journey

Most of our actions have some habit or emotional impulse at their source and could be better classified as reactions. However, conscious action is determined and directed by our thought and this has two aspects at work. The lower mind or Manomaya Kosha deals with material and concrete issues and is most active in Concentration on a material focus. The […]

US Business Immigration in 2017

As the first quarter of 2017 draws to a close, it is clear that 2017 continues to offer opportunities for companies to expand into the US market, transfer foreign employees to a US branch, and the opportunity for foreign investors to obtain green cards through through qualified capital investment. However, many people wonder what changes are coming to US business […]

Why Cyprus to study abroad?

I would like to discuss the potential for US college students to study abroad in Cyprus and discuss the relevance of study abroad students and advisors exploring Cyprus as a relevant and meaningful study abroad destination. Firstly, let’s take a look at the perceived obstacles to studying abroad in Cyprus. 1. Few Americans know much about Cyprus. – so what? […]

Top 10 Manufacturing Business Ideas in 2019

The manufacturing industry in India accounts for about 18% of the total GDP and directly employs 12% of the Indian population. Among the huge manufacturing sector, SMEs and MSMEs account for 90% of the industry’s total activity and with new policies such as the National Manufacturing Policy, the industry seeks to contribute more than 25% to GDP and employ more […]