Digital Publishing: A Better Way to Read Magazines and Newspapers

Reading magazines is one of the most common hobbies among women in the 18-49 age demographic. Magazines are the second largest circulation publications in the publishing industry, with newspapers being the first. Traditionally, magazines were bought at kiosks located on the corner of every street in the city. However, with a shift in trends and digitization influencing most industries, digital […]

Spider-Man PS4 2019: Top 5 Best Movie Suits

Spider-Man 2018 is an incredible action adventure game influenced by Marvel comics, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game features Peter Parker as the main character, secretly known as Spider-Man. This article will look at the top five battle suits featured in the movies and most are unlocked during the main game. 1. Sam Raimi […]

The David Maister strategy and the fat smoker

As the title of David Maister’s next book Strategy and the fat smoker suggests, the problem isn’t that we don’t know what to do, it’s that we know and choose to ignore. Based on a series of articles written and published online, Maister’s latest offering promises a dose of “real” strategy: “The real strategy lies not in figuring out what […]

Dog tear stains aren’t just cosmetic

Dog tear stains are a cosmetic problem, caused by an overflow of tears on the cheeks, which is most obvious in dogs with white coats and other light colors. Tear buildup in facial hair can lead to hair tangling, skin irritation, and possibly infection. Hair can act like a lock, drawing tears from the eye. This can be corrected by […]

Endangered Species of Baseball – Bunts

His book, Coaching Youth League Baseball, was written by College Hall of Fame coach Skip Bertman in 1975. Much of what he wrote about bunting is ignored today. However, it remains relevant as an example of how the game should be taught and played at all levels of baseball, not trying to catch up when a player reaches the major […]

Top ten artists who became famous using pseudonyms

Elvis Costello will release a new album in October, the first featuring the Imposters since Momofuko’s album in 2008. Two Look Now singles are already airing, one called “Under Lime” and the other called “Unwanted Number.” Their release will almost coincide with the fortieth anniversary of their first album, the sensational My Aim Is True. Hits like “Allison” and “Watching […]

Can you enjoy the Galaxy S8 without a case?

Samsung just released two of the most hyped phones of 2017, the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus. These are not only the next generation phones on the Android market, but they are also an opportunity for Samsung’s biggest rival in the smartphone business, Apple. The iPhone has looked the same for three years in a row, while Samsung […]

Advantages of granite kitchen countertops

Granite kitchen countertops are created by nature and designed by man, they are a beautiful, durable and cost-effective option for kitchens and bathrooms. The term granite comes from the Latin root granum, which means “grain”. Granite is often imported from Europe, Africa, Brazil and other regions of the world rich in natural stone. Granite is an attractive natural stone that […]