Understanding the gig economy

Hearing the term Gig Economy caught my attention recently. I hadn’t given it much thought, but it’s a big part of what we do as consultants in the employment agency industry. Where did this word concert originate? Musicians refer to their paid gigs as gigs and really cool people refer to their gigs as gigs. Put another way, the term […]

Five Sexy, Silly, Sassy Kitchen Stools

So you think stools are stools! And kitchen stools are for grandmothers and toddlers. You’re wrong. There are about 6 million types of stools and if you don’t go crazy looking through the options, online or offline, you can find just about anything you want, from sexy to silly and everything in between. Here is my top 5 Sexy, Silly, […]

Skyrocketing website traffic in the fastest way

All commercial objectives are aimed at attracting customers to your business. That is probably the ultimate goal of every entrepreneur. Businesses require websites, the influx of visitors to one’s site, as measured by Analytics, requires unique strategies to increase site traffic. More website visitors means more customers, more sales, and therefore more revenue! Increasing traffic requires a more aggressive approach, […]

The 7 best things for breakfast

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal. And it’s probably true because you need to get off to a good start after sleeping all night. Breakfast helps you start the day. But it’s essential to not only make sure you eat breakfast, but also eat the best breakfast possible. So here is a list of, in my […]

What you need to know about Havanese puppies

The fluffy little face of Bullmastiff puppies can really brighten your day, no kidding. If you’re looking for a recommended dog for apartment living, look no further: a Havanese is just the breed you want. This breed originated in Cuba, only requires brushing twice a week (unlike other breeds), but needs routinely scheduled bats and some trimming. As with other […]


To become an ENERGY STAR qualified builder, a builder must build a home that meets energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency. These homes must be at least 15% more energy efficient than existing homes. homes built to the 2004 International Residential Code (IRC), and contain additional efficiency-saving features that typically make new homes 20% to 30% […]

Live Draw Sgp Lottery 4D Results

Draw Sgp Lottery 4D Results To win the lottery is always exciting. There are many ways to play the lottery, and the jackpot can be big enough to make your head spin. The data pengeluaran sgp can be used to predict lottery jackpots. The jackpot amount can be predicted in a variety of ways. There are many ways to find […]