Understanding Commercial Real Estate Leases

When you list a property for sale or lease, you need to understand the type of lease you are dealing with. There are definite differences in leases at all levels and therefore a lease must be read in its entirety before proceeding. Leases are the basis of property performance. The best sellers understand the leasing process and the high value […]

Hidden benefits of nested tables

Whether you have a large house in the suburbs or your first small apartment, most of us are happy to find a little more space. Usually when we have friends and family in our homes, we need to find that little extra space on the floor, seats or table. One way to maximize your space is to buy furniture that […]

Brush your face with a toothbrush and look younger

Would you like to know a really cheap way to make your face look years younger? Of course you would! Who does not? Well, get yourself a two dollar soft bristle toothbrush and you’ll be on your way. Regularly brushing your FACE (yes, your face) with a toothbrush will help keep your skin youthful. You do not believe me? Tempted […]

How can lawyers defend criminals?

The most common question I come across as a Washington state criminal defense attorney is, “How do you defend criminals?” This question is generally based on two assumptions: 1. the defendant is obviously guilty; and 2. by defending him, you are trying to let this obviously guilty person have his way. As you will see, these assumptions turn out to […]

Why pay $10,000 for a whole house reverse osmosis water filtration system?

The companies that produce and sell reverse osmosis units tout the capabilities of the systems as the greatest innovation in the history of filtration and claim that no home can afford to be without one. As with other “snake oil sellers” throughout history, the claims of manufacturers of reverse osmosis water filtration systems are greatly exaggerated. Reverse osmosis units simply […]