Social networks for small businesses

Social networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have begun to make the most of the means available. Today we will try to discuss social media tips for small businesses. There are a plethora of small businesses looking to social media to promote their business/services. However, most of these small businesses […]

3 super fun summer activities for kids

Summer is probably most children’s favorite season. School is out, the sun is out, and all the fun is definitely over! If you don’t have plans for a vacation, beach trip, and summer camp scheduled, there are still plenty of ways to keep enjoying yourself even when you’re home. What matters to your children is that you enjoy the activities […]

Airsoft and the Honor System

The sport of airsoft is based on the honor system. This means that each player is responsible for being honest about whether he has been hit in order for the game to progress fairly. Since airsoft BBs don’t typically leave noticeable evidence the way paintballs do, the onus falls on the hit player to call themselves. Players who refuse to […]

Serving by Post in Pierce-Tacoma Washington County (8/12/2012)

Service by publication is the most expensive option when it comes to serving legal documents. The best and most common type of service is always personal service; if personal service is not feasible, then replacement service is the next best alternative. The required first-class mail service can be completed in certain circumstances, but most people simply won’t sign the envelope, […]

The Divine Purpose of the Paradigm Shift

An unexpected memory came to me when I woke up this morning. I remembered my mother telling me as a child: “Ours is not to reason why. Ours is to do or die.” I had no idea what he meant by this. In fact, I didn’t know what it meant when it occurred to me this morning. I found out […]

Do car accident victims need to hire an attorney?

Imagine being involved in a car accident through no fault of your own. You find that your car is destroyed and your whole body is sore. The person who hit you apologizes profusely and says “it was all my fault.” Later that day, he receives a phone call from that person’s insurance company. The phone adjuster asks how she’s feeling […]

What sets your company apart from other jewelry showcase manufacturers?

jewelry showcase manufacturers To make your business a success, you need to focus on branding, staying up-to-date with industry trends and consumer preferences, developing new products and collections, and exploring different sales channels and marketing strategies. These steps will help you build a strong and long-lasting brand. A well-defined brand identity is crucial for any business jewelry showcase manufacturers. It […]