Can you lose weight by changing meal times?

We’ve long known that altering meal times can affect weight and metabolism. At least if you’re a mouse. According to some studies with these animals, it seems that the secret to better health is to restrict the time we eat and, thus, lengthen the time we go without eating. A few years ago, Professor Satchidananda Panda, from the world famous […]

Small Business Legal Planning: Ten Biggest Mistakes

Small business owners and managers often fail to adequately address legal issues. This failure can stem from being preoccupied with other matters, unawareness or insensitivity to legal concerns, or reluctance to spend the money to hire an attorney. Unfortunately, such businesses can end up incurring substantial expenses or liabilities that could have been avoided with good legal planning. The following […]

Dublin: 10 things you must see (1-5)

Dublin is a city like no other. Situated on both sides of the River Liffey, Dublin is a booming, historic city. With stunning Georgian architecture as the backdrop to everyday life in Dublin, visitors to Dublin will enjoy seeing something unique, a historic city that is home to a very modern and hi-tech population. People who visit Dublin usually only […]

Can I Use a Prepaid Credit Card to Gamble Online?

Prepaid Credit Card to Gamble Online If you’re wondering, “Can I use a prepaid credit card to play online gambling?” then you’ve come to the right place. While you can’t use a prepaid card to play online casino games, you can use it to make deposits. Some prepaid cards offer deposit limits, so you’ll need to deposit a certain amount […]

2008 Arizona Cardinals prospects

The Arizona Cardinals will play their 89th season for the NFL this year, along with their 21st season in the state of Arizona. The Cardinals finished their 2007 season with a score of 8-8; far from consequential, but it’s actually a marked improvement since 2006, where they finished last in the NFC West with a 5-11 record. This year will […]

Is the letter of intent a worthless document?

A letter of intent (LOI) is a common way of expressing your intentions to purchase property without having to write a formal, legally binding contract. The letter of intent is presented to a seller in the preliminary stages of a project. A buyer’s intentions are spelled out clearly and simply so the seller knows exactly how he wants to buy […]