Justice for the Jack B. Ketchum crew?

The irrepressible nature of the OSS – Office of Strategic Services, during World War II, is historically accurate and universally accepted. Recent literary efforts have attributed the death of General George Patton to the rogue agency, in a murderous plot to silence his pending public criticism of the war’s development. After the Potsdam Conference in August 1945, President Harry S. […]

Achu, Achu – "Health"

What is the usual reaction of most people when someone sneezes? What is the normal response? Most people respond with “God bless you” and few others respond with gesundheit. In Spanish, people respond with “salud” which means “health”. Why do people respond this way? Do they teach us this at school? Is it unethical or improper not to respond with […]

Transits of the best sex of your life

Short Transits: Inner planetary transits are short-term and fleeting, but they can have a big impact, especially if you are experiencing other sexual transits at the time. Venus in aspect of your natal Mars: when the planet of love and beauty contacts your planet of sex, your powers of attraction are very high! Your raw and aggressive Martian nature is […]

Scabies Humor

I know I know! The two words above are what you call an oxymoron, if there ever was one! (For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s two words together that have opposite meaning, like “he’s a big guy.”) If you have scabies and are reading this, I applaud you for your desire to find humor in […]

The functionality of movie studios in Nollywood

Hollywood boasts a variety of large studios with high-tech facilities such as Sony Pictures Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., and Walt Disney. Filming of movies can take place in studios or in locations (external or internal). Hollywood and Bollywood directors can choose to shoot their movies through any of the alternatives. Unfortunately, the same cannot […]