Top 25 Leadership Quotes

Reflect on what it takes to be a true leader with these practical quotes that will lead you to a more accurate understanding of the secrets of successful leadership … “A true leader has the confidence to be alone, the courage to make difficult decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out […]

Patrick Swayze Mullet hairstyle

The late and great Patrick Swayze was a legend among the protagonists. Very few movie stars could make a cheesy romantic movie one year, then turn around and release a cult classic action movie like Road House the next. Swayze’s attractiveness crossed the gender barrier and, as they say, girls wanted him and boys wanted to be him. How do […]

Top ten artists who became famous using pseudonyms

Elvis Costello will release a new album in October, the first featuring the Imposters since Momofuko’s album in 2008. Two Look Now singles are already airing, one called “Under Lime” and the other called “Unwanted Number.” Their release will almost coincide with the fortieth anniversary of their first album, the sensational My Aim Is True. Hits like “Allison” and “Watching […]

Poetry and Muses Part 3

It has long been observed that while the ego is helpful in making ordinary, everyday decisions in our lives, it is less effective when it comes to more important issues; it is competitive by nature and tends to subordinate the greater good for more immediate gain and self-gratification. We also know that the ego is driven largely by the left […]