Benefits of a healthy diet

Benefits of a healthy diet As said, a healthy diet constitutes a healthy body. Before establishing plans for a healthy diet, it is necessary to understand what a healthy diet is, a balanced diet that meets the requirements of the body for its proper functioning; including all macronutrients and micronutrients. It does not always include losing fat content or specifically […]

Colon Cleanse For Teens: If You’re A Teen, Here’s What You Need To Know!

There have been numerous cases where teenagers have openly complained about their abdominal ailments. There have also been cases where otherwise healthy adolescents have been suddenly plagued with constipation, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, and bloated stomachs. Do you know why this happens? Well, the reason is quite simple: your colon is full of toxic waste. So how to clean it? […]

How much do you know about your serving dish?

A plate is a flat container in which food can be served. It is generally wide and concave. It’s a bit shallow which helps retain food. It can be used for serving meals, decoration, or ceremonial purposes. Plates are made from a variety of materials, i.e. glass, wood, porcelain, bone china, plastic, paper, and in some cases even stone. In […]

How many carbs per day should I eat?

It is increasingly known that it is advisable to limit the amount of carbohydrates we eat. However, it is difficult to determine what are the good and bad carbohydrates and how many carbohydrates per day we should consume. This article will provide important information about dietary carbohydrates and how to know how many carbohydrates we can have in our diet. […]

How to Calculate the Glycemic Index

In general, we all eat meals every day that contain a variety and combination that includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and other essential micronutrients. The glycemic index only refers to foods that contain carbohydrate content. This index can be distributed among many different foods and the index can still be calculated. This can become a tedious process every time you […]

Elliptical Trainers – Are You Wasting Your Time?

Elliptical trainers continue to grow in popularity among gym users and people purchasing a residential elliptical trainer to use at home. Commercial gyms and health clubs continue to upgrade to newer models of elliptical trainers and are even getting rid of outdated cardio equipment like older model skiers and stationary bikes to make room for more ellipticals. This is in […]

Eat out? make the right decisions

Eating out is very common in today’s world. You don’t want to be the outsider by always refusing to eat out with friends, family, and colleagues in an attempt to eat good home-cooked meals and stick to your health goals. Also, people travel more than they used to, whether for work or pleasure. However, it is possible to have a […]