Hemorrhoids: a lighter side

If you currently suffer from hemorrhoids, you probably can’t believe that someone can see a lighter side! At this time, these embarrassing, rather unpleasant, very uncomfortable and often painful swollen veins can only be very bad! Right now, being the butt of a hemorrhoids joke only adds insult to injury. It is said that you know you are in “middle […]

Perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause: what are the symptoms?

Menopause is divided into 3 phases, each phase has an indeterminate duration in each woman. Adding to the confusion, each woman will experience menopause differently. The 3 phases are perymenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Perimenopause begins years before your last period. Small changes can happen without you realizing it, and then you get a hot flash, which is a wake-up call. […]

Albuquerque Custom Jewelry

Custom Jewelry The best and most fun way to buy and sell jewelry in Albuquerque. A good place to start is their website, a curated collection of over 4,000 local merchants and dealers with an average of more than 150 transactions per day. With a staff of about 70 and an inventory ranging from a few hundred to a few […]

The biggest skincare trends of 2018

Over the past year, people have become more conscious of their skin. The focus has shifted from makeup trends to glowing skin. More and more clients are convinced that taking care of the skin comes before preparing it with external elements. Therefore, there is a greater interest in finding ways that produce professional results when it comes to good skin. […]

What is the difference between ThermiSmooth and ThermiTight?

As demand for antiaging solutions increases, consumers are looking for new, less invasive options to turn back the clock. Therefore, cutting-edge options like ThermiSmooth and ThermiTight that address issues like skin laxity and wrinkles have become very popular. Let’s find out what is the difference between ThermiSmooth and ThermiTight. Thermi RF ThermiSmooth and ThermiTight are two of the anti-aging procedures […]

Pore ​​Minimizing Products to Try and Tips for Keeping Your Pores Groomed

Although everyone understands that they should take good care of their skin, not many people realize the importance of pore minimizing products to achieve this goal. There are literally millions of miniature openings or craters found around the body. Each hole contains hair follicles, a small space where hair can potentially grow. These small shafts also contain sebaceous glands; These […]

How to tie a Winsor knot

Are you new to wearing ties, but don’t know how to tie one yet? You’re not alone. In fact, only a few men know how to tie an attractive tie knot. Tying a tie may seem complicated and even confusing, but it really isn’t. After all, there are over 180 different ways to tie a tie. However, for our purposes, […]