The gentle touch of pain

Last week I attended the funeral of a beautiful 30 year old girl who died suddenly in her sleep. As I sat in church watching her friends, family, and neighbors quietly filter through the doors, I looked around at her sorrowful faces and was overwhelmed by a powerful feeling of unity in the crowd. Although there were hundreds of dark-robed […]

vegetarian pastitsou

When I met my Greek American husband, he loved to eat meat, fish, and shellfish. He also loved the Greek food that he grew up with. I am a vegetarian and John showed me that since meat used to be an expensive commodity, many Greek recipes are meatless and rely on beans, grains, goat cheese and yogurt, fruits, vegetables and […]

Do you believe in Somali Mam?

Every story has at least three or four sides, with varying accounts and versions. As Somaly Mam tries to rebuild her foundations in Cambodia, it’s time to listen to another voice, that of her ex-husband, Pierre Legros. She was a co-founder of Acting for Women in Distressing Situations (AFESIP) in 1996 and a former director of AFESIP International. Mam and […]

Why do twin flames fight?

Everyone has a Twin Flame, because they are their anima/animus and potentially your perfect match. This relationship needs special consideration and is very intense, especially in the early stages. The great psychologist Carl Jung discovered that each person has an image of his or her perfect match within his or her own psyche. The Twin Flame phenomenon suggests that the […]

How much do tragus piercings hurt?

One of the initial things many people discover when they decide to get a piercing is often “does this hurt?” Also, more precisely, “how much pain can it cause?” Unfortunately, piercings are piercings, and that means placing a needle into areas of the body to make one or more holes in which you can potentially wear pieces of jewelry. When […]

How lymphatic drainage is anti-aging

Lymphatic drainage plays an important role in any health or anti-aging regimen on several fronts. Not only does it improve overall skin tone, but getting proper lymphatic flow and detoxification aids in healthy cell turnover. In a nutshell, the lymphatic system is a pumping system made up of lymph nodes and lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid is one of the body’s […]

why did your wife leave you

What do women want? This question has plagued the mind of man since the dawn of man, but the answer is not as complicated as one might think. In any relationship, or in any dynamic between two human beings, one of the parties involved always cares less than the other. It’s never a 50/50 split, even if you think it […]

Chicken Broth And The Candida Diet

It took me several years of cooking to appreciate the value that chicken broth and broth, in fact all types of broth and broth, bring to the kitchen. What was once something of a specialty item in my kitchen has now become a mainstay on my weekly shopping list. I frequently buy chicken and vegetable stock and broth for a […]