How your cat or dog can help you with anger management

A close family friend recently suggested getting a dog after losing her husband. She is already an animal lover, but after her husband passed away, she felt that her home was too lonely. A recent study from the University of Montreal in Canada also found that owning a pet can greatly help children with autism. Thinking more broadly, cats and […]

Quick tips on how to tame your puppy

Did you know that the number one reason dogs end up at your dog shelter is that proper housebreaking isn’t enough? House training is very important and will be established as soon as one becomes a puppy. House training includes potty training. How to potty train your puppy could be a challenging job for a first-time pet owner or even […]

The theory of the three brains

So you want to know why you abused that guy in the car in front of you in a split second without logic kicking in? Maybe you want to know why you are attracted to certain men/women and not others? Or even why your dog does the crazy things he does? It all comes down to the three brains theory, […]

Bichon Frize Training to Stop Dog Branding

You know that you have managed to achieve a successful result in training the Bichon Frize. Then suddenly, she discovered the smell of dog urine on the door, the table leg and other furniture in the house. How come these things happen when you are well aware that you used effective and appropriate methods in home training? If you see […]

Homemade food for allergic dogs: 5 essential tips

Contrary to what many people believe, dogs are allergic to various things. That is why every owner should know the right foods to give their pet to avoid future allergy outbreaks. To make sure your best friend only eats the right kind of food, learn how to make homemade dog food for allergic dogs yourself. Pet owners are often nervous […]

Dog training your timid or timid dog

I tell you two of my stories so that you can help your timid or timid dog to lead a normal life and have fun in it. I have a dog since he was four years old. I trained my first dog tricks and he would do just about anything I asked. In some ways, dog training came naturally to […]

Wine for the dogs? well not exactly

Many of us, including myself, tend to slip our dogs a piece of table here, a piece of table there: a piece of meat, a piece of cheese, a stalk of broccoli that old Fido spits out on the carpet and gives us. forced to clean While most of our offerings may seem harmless, there is one thing we should […]

7 Things to Know About Florida’s Private Whistleblower Law

The Florida Private Sector Whistleblower Law, Florida Statutes ยงยง448.101-448.105, prohibits employers from taking adverse employment action against an employee because the employee objected or refused to participate in any activity, policy, or practice of the employer, which constitutes a violation of a law, rule or regulation. 1. Covered persons: An “employer” under the Florida Private Whistleblower Law means any private […]