Four elements of Christmas that complete it

Christmas is the most recognized holiday in the world. After all, you have Santa as your brand ambassador. It has been the subject of many stories, poems and movies. ‘A Christmas Carol’ is the most famous of them. Items that represent Christmas, such as the Christmas tree and Santa Claus, have been an integral part of pop culture for many […]

5 steps to be more organized in 2017

It’s not officially the new year yet and I can’t wait to start debugging and organizing. I recently got bit by the “less is more” bug and the clutter has been rapidly disappearing from my home. I want my abode to run like a well-oiled machine, so in 2017, I’m definitely going to get more organized and start with these […]

The amazing benefits of raising fish

Unlike many people who started this hobby young, I started keeping tropical fish as a hobby when the pace of my running shifted into a slower gear and I suddenly realized the need to pursue passions in life. Over the past four years, my hobby of keeping fish has grown in size and depth. I have not only increased the […]

Bettelheim’s theories on autism under scrutiny

Bruno Bettelheim may have been famous in his day for his theories on child development, but since he committed suicide at age 86 in 1990, his theories have come under great scrutiny. Some aspects of Bruno Bettelheim’s theory of child development deal with autistic children; however, he supported the theory first put forward by Leo Kanner, who was the first […]

Was mom right?

When my mother first got married, she was expected to stay at home. In fact, all she dreamed of in high school was settling down with a nice guy and becoming a housewife. So naturally, being the rebellious daughter that she was, she wanted nothing to do with it. So, I enrolled in college while all my friends were getting […]

Courtship Gifts for Your Filipina Fiancee

A Filipino lady, like all the other descendants of Eva, feels special when the man she is with gives her a gift but don’t be alarmed, you don’t have to skimp all year and stick to bread and water because gifts don’t they must be expensive. For a Filipina woman, it is the thought that counts, and not the value […]