Android Games – Tips to get the best out of them

Do you want to kill your free time when the only company you have is your Android phone? Did you know that Android games are the most interesting and fun things to fill your phone? Read this article to know more about these games and their fun factors. Android games are diversified into many categories; informative, educational, shooting games, puzzles, […]

Do you believe in Somali Mam?

Every story has at least three or four sides, with varying accounts and versions. As Somaly Mam tries to rebuild her foundations in Cambodia, it’s time to listen to another voice, that of her ex-husband, Pierre Legros. She was a co-founder of Acting for Women in Distressing Situations (AFESIP) in 1996 and a former director of AFESIP International. Mam and […]

Florida DUI and Student Disciplinary Hearings

If you are a student at a Florida university and have been arrested for DUI, you have even more to worry about than pending criminal proceedings against you. Most Florida institutions of higher education have a DUI rule in their student code of conduct. This means that you will also face a student disciplinary hearing in addition to the court […]

Compare cheap mobile phone deals

Cell phones are rapidly replacing corded phones. Mobile phones are wireless devices capable of performing one or more applications. There has been rapid advancement in mobile technologies in recent years. Modern phones are capable of multitasking people. These tasks include Internet browsing and downloading, voice and data exchange between compatible devices, music playback, longer battery backups, advanced GPS, camera, etc. […]

Newton Gang robs two banks in one night

On January 9, 1921, the Newton Gang entered Hondo, Texas., a small town 30 miles west of San Antonio, to rob one of the town’s two banks. It was just after midnight and the temperature was close to freezing. The Newtons knew Hondo’s night watchman and, as was their custom, found him huddled around a pot-bellied stove in the mortuary. […]