Health Fitness

5 ways of satisfaction

As the Buddha’s teachings on satisfaction and his endless path moving in circles affirm, people can easily understand the concept of hunger, desire, including the basic understanding of people and their hunger for more. However, in reality, satisfaction is hardly obtained as people tend to automatically expect more than what they initially possess. Since this is primarily the reason that hunger leads to war and unpleasant events, many people learn to deal with these unreasonable desires to lessen dissatisfaction and learn to accept what is given.

signal your strength

Learn to point out your strength. Individuals have their own talent within them; some may gain special skills related to the arts and entertainment, while others may be good at math or cooking. Do not look at others who are better because no one is better than another, there is only equality since all individuals are of the same species. Focus on the strength gained and learn how to improve that special ability of heart.

be the real you

It is very important to be ‘yourself’. Originality is necessary when it comes to developing self-esteem which, in the future, will lead to personal satisfaction. A person needs to be original, which in basic terms means that he or she has to develop their own traits, including personality, character, and even appearance. Once a person knows who he or she really is, satisfaction will gradually build up as people often feel comfortable with something original. Class presidents, fashion leaders, and bosses often have high satisfaction with the authority gained.

Look at the people who are in need

For most people, this advice is very successful. People looking at others in need will in some way feel sympathy or empathy towards those individuals. As you gradually become satisfied with your own conditions, you will soon realize that you will also feel a little sorry for people in need. At this time, not only the concept of satisfaction is understood, but the concept of acceptance and adaptation will also be learned. People will soon understand how others around them deal with worse situations that will set a great example for future events.

Meditation and Yoga

Not to mention difficult exercises or activities like Pilates, meditation and yoga seems to be the efficient way of satisfaction. Yes, physical activities are not at all related to mental behaviors. However, studies have shown that meditation and yoga practices have the ability to calm mental breakdowns and relieve stress. Meditation and yoga practices have possessed a great ability to somewhat slow down the emotions of hunger, anger and fear that arouse the blood.

enjoy hobbies

Generally, enjoying hobbies and personal preferences usually generates great satisfaction. Activities not only kill time, but also increase a person’s endorphin levels, raising the overall mood. Singing, dancing, reading, bicycling, and swimming are some examples of hobbies one can do to use time wisely and be satisfied without leaving too much room for the brain to think negatively.

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