
5 Ways to Screw Up Your Self Defense Training – Part 5 – Providing Structure

Part 5: Avoiding the Fatal Grab Mistake

In order to survive the attack of a more powerful opponent, you must be so light, soft, flexible and sensitive that your opponent feels it like a ghost or a cloud, dissolving like the liquid metal terminator, materializing only for the end. milliseconds needed for the impact of your blow.–From the book Attack Proof: The Definitive Guide to Personal Protection

Often preached but rarely practiced, this principle is essential to understanding how the weak overcome the strong. Energy is transferred to a solid object much more easily than to an object without a fixed center of gravity. By leaning or blocking at the wrong time or for extended periods, most fighters provide frame angles for their attacker to grab, push, pull or punch because they lack proper free play (Contact Flow) and other sensitivity training that it allows them to participate in the intricate practice of “liquid body/solid body” on a subconscious level.

Your body has to have the adaptable and fluid nature of water. Sometimes you’ll need to be as illusory and invisible as vapor to yield and dodge, then as malleable as water to stay stuck before that split second when you become as solid as ice to land the killing blow. You repeat this process of using Dropping Energy (a Guided Chaos trademark) continuously, striking with the intent to shatter organs and pop bones.

Once this quality is ingrained in the nervous system, one can bypass virtually all forms of standing grappling, as well as two-legged and one-legged takedowns, of which I will give an example in the next subsection, “Accepting the Inevitable.” . The reason this is so hard to appreciate is because most people have been conditioned to tense up or fight back when pressure is applied.

You need sensitivity to feel when it is appropriate to give up just an isolated part of the body (pocketing) or the entire root, while remaining so close that your blows are inevitable. It can take anywhere from 2 months to 2 years to reprogram your neuromuscular anatomy so that you can use these principles at high speed without conscious thought. It all depends on your previous experience and the wiring of your nervous system.

embracing the inevitable

There is nothing wrong with moving your sphere of influence to the ground. As outlined in the first section, “The Setup”, fighting your own footing and balance in an attempt to stay upright could wreak havoc like it did for previous UFC victims. Here, I’ll present a physical example straight from the video, “Kill the Enemy” on how to deal with a wrestler’s two-legged takedown, which is one of the most common methods wrestlers employ to take the fight to the ground.

Also, this method has been mentioned more than once in previous newsletters, but it is still overlooked by many due to its extreme simplicity. With that being the case, I’ll describe the technically correct method of doing a two-legged takedown so you can perform the move on a sparring partner and experience the effectiveness of the counter for yourself.

Quite often, the shooter simply lowers his head and literally lands on the standing opponent, hits the opponent’s legs and simply goes through him in the same way as a “football tackle”, all the while sacrificing his own balance. This works in the NFL, where the running back is simply trying to evade you, not guillotine your throat (also keep in mind that “lining your clothes” is still illegal for the defense, and also for the offensive linesman). For the purposes of this newsletter, the address will not be used.

How to do the double leg takedown…

For the preface, I would like to add several important points:

1. This is supposed to be an explosive move that happens in no more than 2 seconds, as it should ideally only be done within contact range.

2. This movement is supposed to occur anytime the standing man’s balance is shifting and moving.

3. When doing this demonstration with your training partner, the second point will not be taken into account for several reasons.

IN. sphere of influence, “Attack the Attacker” methodology and KCD footwork cancels point #2 as we never sacrifice our footing when stepping. Period!

B. We really want the move to work for the demo. Actually, we just don’t care either way, because we’ll use their moves to our advantage.

The first thing you want to do is lower your level to a sprinter-like stance. This is to facilitate an explosive, penetrating step off the back foot so that you can go under your opponent’s arms and onto his hips and legs. At all times, it is important to keep the head up to avoid the guillotine and to ensure that the chest does not extend beyond the lead knee. Also, keep your elbows close to your body.

The goal of keeping your elbows close to your body is to avoid lower hooks, which could allow for one of those cool grappling moves like an inverted iron cross or crucifix; basically any move where the attacker takes control of the shooter by hooking under the armpits and uses the shooter’s momentum to roll or even roll the shooter to gain control.

What you intend to do is gain mechanical leverage by hitting the standing man where he bends. Your hands will pull behind his knee and your shoulder will ideally strike him on his hips.

For the rest of this description, I’ll quote “Winning Wrestling Moves” by Mark Mysnyk, Barry Davis, and Brooks Simpson:

You can penetrate by stepping between your opponent’s legs or outside of them. If you get between them, step with your left foot. [penetrating foot] at least as deep as both of your feet and move your head just to the outside of your left hip [opposite side of your penetrating foot]..Your shoulders should always be over your lead knee while shooting. For more penetration, keep driving towards your opponent and lower to your left knee. [same knee as penetrating foot]stepping your right foot to the outside of your left foot [opposite side of your penetrating foot]. Ideally, you should pick it up or finish it immediately. [Important Note: In the book, there were several other finishes to a double leg takedown which I’ve decided not to include because the counter nullifies them all without even trying.]

…and why it may not work

In Guided Chaos (KCD), the above move is remarkably easy to handle. First of all, if you resist the wrestler’s energy, you are actually giving the wrestler the structure to push, pull, and lift you up using his leverage, strength, and momentum. Here again, just use the liquid body/solid body concept.

When he pulls behind your knees, instead of trying a cool Guillotine or an Inverted Iron Cross, simply let go of his energy and pull your legs in toward your chest with all your might as you drop to the ground while simultaneously and immediately going straight to the ground. the eyes with the hands grasping and using the head, or if necessary the ears as handles. You would actually stare at it as deeply as humanly possible with all your might. But for training purposes, you’ll just make sure to hit the eyes and/or gain head control. If the situation called for a street attack, you would use head control to instantly rip its neck off.

By the way, you can fall on your side or on your back, it doesn’t matter. Despite the fact that we do Dynamic Iron Palm (Slam Bag) training and understand that extreme pressure or eye penetration could end the fight immediately, we never rely on a “magic punch” whether we’re on our feet or on the ground. floor.

We are fully aware that poking someone in the eye will make them fight like mad if we don’t turn off the lights or at least regain control of the head. They will literally thrash and jerk like a wild animal, if only to relieve pressure.

(John Perkins tells the story in the book Attack Test, where he was being attacked by a monstrous monster and the only thing he could free was his little finger, which he proceeded to plunge into his attacker’s eye, causing convulsions.)

That’s okay because that’s what we want. Because? Because the whole time, we just wanted to force him to release our legs, which we’ve been trying to release the whole time anyway, using the strength of our legs against the strength of our legs. the strength of his arm. From here, we will use our boots as mallets and crushers in an extremely ballistic manner, using each and every part of his body as a target until we manage to escape or he is incapacitated.

One way or another, there will be no struggle. Period! If he decides to grab one of your legs while kicking (although he shouldn’t have the strength to do so if you move correctly), using the concept of shortening the weapon, he slices your body with one or both knees facing you. chest and then shoot them, crushing their bones with the heels of your boots or scraping them like putty, either their arms or their skull. The same concept applies for single leg takedowns, it makes no difference.

Destroy, don’t fight

By the way, this move is only supposed to happen when going to the ground is unavoidable, which brings me to my next point. The expansion is great for the ring, but in a street fight we want to end the fight as soon as possible. If he has room to spread out, you’d be better off avoiding getting tangled up and instead landing multiple, repeated hits on him at full force. Believe me; he will regret fighting with you after that. The harder and faster it goes in, the more damaging the punishment.

Remember, the whole point of the fight is control. This is a game that 2 should play at a minimum and a dead end at worst. We don’t want to involve our opponent more than necessary. Instead of suppressing his movement, he reacts to his touch as if he were covered in his own vomit or as if his skin were red hot. Or use this analogy: treat his touch like a hot potato you have to carry across a long room: you can’t hold it, but you can’t drop it either. Don’t make the mistake of over-committing the grab. Touch, release, evade, tear, tear, bite, bite, stomp, run away and come home…alive.

Due to the simplicity and the fact that this frees up your mind for real fights, a person can train grappling for love or competitive purposes and still train these concepts for non-competitive situations.

To be continue…

Next up: The conclusion to this series of articles on ways to screw up your self-defense training, including “Proportionate Structure,” “Street Fighting,” “The Grip Fault,” and “Reactive Freedom.”

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