
7 Deadly Mistakes Affiliate Marketers Make

You are considering joining this phenomenal new business program. They have an amazing offer, free referral sites, ads made for you to duplicate, and the best payment plan on the planet. This is the best member program on the web! Post a few ads and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a marketing tycoon.

Before you start planning to build your new dream home, here are the most common mistakes affiliates make that you’ll want to stay away from. Making these deadly mistakes can end your business… and your dreams.

1. Choosing the wrong program:

Are you being too gullible about the promises of the program owners? The revenue projections that each program makes are just that, projections. Are your income claims really realistic? Consider all the possible pros and cons that will affect your future promotional efforts. Do you really have enough confidence in this program to stay with it until it is successful? Have you researched the company and its owners to determine their credibility? Have you studied the reviews of other people who are or have previously been involved with the program? There are a plethora of good affiliate programs available, but there are also many that are unstable or produce poor results. Choose the affiliate program you promote wisely or else you could be dead in the water.

2. Expect rewards with little effort:

Are you prepared to work on your business constantly and dedicate time to it on a daily basis? If you opened a corner store, you would think about going to work every day, wouldn’t you? And you would expect to have to advertise it to attract customers. After all, he just opened his own shiny new web store. How much time are you willing to spend attracting prospects who might be interested in what you have to offer? It takes time to build any business. The chances of success without putting in a lot of effort are unrealistic.

3. Lack of planning and objectives:

Do you have a goal and a good action plan to achieve it? Many people choose a business opportunity with a burning desire for a quick profit, but no real plan to make it happen. Ask yourself how soon you expect to make money and how much money you expect to make. Strive to be sensitive here; earning a million dollars in six months is not practical. State your own particular goals. How are you going to reach your financial destination? Have you carefully defined the strategies you will execute to make your venture successful?

4. Lack of adequate promotion of your offer:

What happens if you don’t promote your products and services? How do you expect to get leads and members in your downline? Do you know what type of marketing will have the best chance of getting results for the type of program you are promoting? Do you have an adequate advertising budget to grow your business? When you don’t advertise your business something terrible happens…nothing!

5. Do not separate yourself from others promoting the same offer:

Most affiliates just open their affiliate website, send it some traffic, and wonder why people aren’t joining their program in droves. Do you have a unique approach that will give you an edge over your competition? Do you have your own capture page instead of the cookie cutter page your program gives you? Every associate in your program gets the exact same site. One way to get noticed is to have your own unique page. If one person in a crowd starts waving a red flag, they immediately stand out. But if 10,000 people start waving red flags, it becomes impossible to pick an individual.

6. Sell instead of tell:

Instead of promoting your offer like everyone else, start offering people information that will help them in their business, and then offer your product as a solution to their problem. They will be more likely to trust you. People do business with people they trust and who have an interest in helping them solve their problems. Write text ads, emails, articles, give away free reports and e-books. Offer your potential customers something of value. Change your mindset from selling something to helping others get what they need to be successful and you will be successful.

7. Not asking for help:

Perhaps you have been working on your business for a few months with little or no results. You get frustrated and start to wonder if you’ll ever be able to make this work for you. Despite all perceived failures, commit to learning what you’re doing wrong or not doing what you should be doing. Don’t hesitate to seek the support of your upline and others who are having success so they can help you. Never give up! Nobody at any time advanced surrendering. you neither. You can be on the threshold of a breakthrough and not even know it. The reason most people fail is that they give up too soon.

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