Arts Entertainments

7 emotional blocks to your motivation to exercise

Most of us have been through a time when we had a lot of good intentions with a corresponding decline in action. Maybe you promised yourself to go for a run every morning, got off to a good start, and then in the third week suddenly found yourself too busy at work, slept in late, or any of a number of excuses. Perhaps these excuses got stronger and stronger and even harder jogging became a thing of the past. Or maybe you decided to turn the page and walk the dog twice a day or go swimming with the kids every week and somehow it never happened. And gyms make good profits from people who join and never set foot in the gym, but continue to be members in the hope, or pretense, of getting fit. In other words, when it comes to exercise, there can be a lot of good intention but an equally abundant amount of inaction. There are 7 main emotional blocks in your path that you must release in order to move forward. Perhaps one or more ring a bell.

  1. A block is having every intention of exercising, but not having a clear mental picture of yourself doing it. By image, I mean a clear visualization or a clear feeling in your body of doing the exercise. If you can’t imagine yourself doing the action, chances are you won’t do it.
  2. Another block, and perhaps even bigger, is a hidden emotional fear. If your unconscious mind doesn’t feel like it’s safe for you to exercise, then it will do whatever it can to stop you.
  3. Another block is about how you see your role. For example, a man who feels that his role is always to have to work to support his family and please his boss will find himself working all hours in the office or taking clients out to dinner and hardly ever doing business. exercise.
  4. Another block is self-awareness. If you’re worried about going to the gym because you feel like you’ll be compared to fit members or feel too self-conscious in gym clothes, then this will be such an unpleasant experience that it may soon be over altogether.
  5. A big block is limiting beliefs about yourself. For example, if a girl was discouraged from participating in male sports when she was a child, she may have an illogical belief that sports are not for girls; so it’s possible that she, inexplicably, misses out on swimming, jogging, karate and all the things that she would really love to do.
  6. One thing most aspiring exercisers never achieve is setting specific goals. It’s one thing to want to be fit, but without a clear goal to aim for, it’s hard to stick to it. Simply being fit is too general a goal.
  7. Another common mistake is having a big long-term goal but not planning intermediate steps. Then it is too easy to get discouraged and give up.

If you want to exercise motivation but somehow never stick to a plan, you may be able to recognize one or more of these blocks. The next step is to take steps to release these blockages from your path. There are many ways to help you, including writing down your feelings and progress, as well as EFT tapping or Reiki to shift your energy into that of exercise motivation. Take one step at a time, release anything on your path to success, and you will surely get there.

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