
7 ideas on using your home to promote your business

When it comes to Direct Selling, one of the most valuable tools you have in marketing your Direct Selling business is your own home.

There are many creative things you can do to market your business outside of your home. Here are some ideas to get started.

1. Host a direct selling vendor joint party at your home. Invite other Direct Sales Consultants in your community to participate. For this idea to work, each of the direct selling providers must invite a minimum of 20 customers to the event. Each vendor then sets up a display table with their products and business information. Guests and customers arrive and can browse table screens to see what interests them. This works best with just 5-10 vendors, unless you have a very large home or are hosting the event offsite.

2. Host a community party in your neighborhood. These work best during the summer months and if they are held on a Saturday. You can invite 1-2 Direct Sales Consultants to participate to keep costs down. You’ll want to hang flyers and hand out invitations to all your neighbors. Serve up some refreshments or host a cookout.

3. Invest in an all-weather yard sign. You can find some really affordable ones online that you can custom print with your business information. Find a good area in your front yard to put up your sign so everyone who walks or drives can see it.

4. Neighborhood Children’s Shopping Party. This idea works best in November (to promote holiday shopping) and again in April (just before Mother’s Day). You’ll want to invite kids from your neighborhood that you know personally and with parental permission. Children love to go shopping without their parents, especially when it comes to buying gifts for their parents. Parents love this idea as it gives them an hour or two off from the kids. If you expect 7 or more children to attend, do yourself a favor and get a volunteer helper.

5. Co-sponsoring a house party. Find another Direct Sales Consultant in your area who is in a non-competitive business. Arrange a joint home party at your house. They both invite their clients to the joint house party which, in turn, brings them into contact with clients they may never have met. This is a great way to reach beyond your circle of friends.

6. Vinyl Window Adhesive: I recommend getting a vinyl adhesive business sign that measures about 4 inches by 6 inches in size. Print your business name and place it on your front door window. You are now advertising your business to everyone who walks into your home or who might be there delivering packages. Keep the size close to those proportions so it doesn’t get in the way.

7. Banner or Trade Flag – You can find some custom printers online by doing a keyword search through a major search engine. You will also need to invest in a flagpole or banner stand. Print your business name on a banner or flag and hang it in your front yard.

I hope these 7 ideas have inspired you to use your own home to help promote your direct selling business.

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