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Answers to the main concerns of men about the penis

A dip in the warm water of a hot tub can help soothe tense and sore muscles, and ending a date in the hot tub can allow couples to unwind and share intimate moments in a whole new way. While hot tubs can be pleasurable and beneficial, men may have questions about how the chemicals and hot water can affect penile health and sexual health. This article will provide answers to some of the questions that are on men’s minds before they get into the troubled waters.

Can hot water harm fertility rates?

A sauna bath feels therapeutic, but it can be a bit too hot for the testicles, and men who regularly spend time in hot tubs may have low fertility rates as a result. Fortunately, this is a transient problem, according to a study published in 2007. The men in this study had a fertility rebound when they stayed out of the bathtub.

Will hydromassage jets damage sensitivity?

The tiny jets that surround a sauna bath can shoot out water at an incredibly fast rate, and placing your penis in front of those jets could give men a huge thrill. Participating in this form of aqua aerobics shouldn’t cause any problems, as long as men do it only occasionally. Touch receptors in the penis are designed to stay close to the skin’s surface, and allowing these receptors to be bombarded with harsh treatment could cause scar tissue to form and decreased sensation.

Are there specific dangers involved in solo bath play?

Experimental men have been known to get a bit aggressive with the whirlpool jets, and some men have been caught with their delicate parts trapped. Avoiding this problem is a matter of using good judgment, keeping the penis away from the moving parts of the jets.

Can women get pregnant with spa water?

Men who use their sauna jets to be alone can worry when their girlfriends come calling, especially since the water in a standard bathtub is changed only a few times a year. Fortunately, the chemicals in a hot tub can kill sperm quickly, and a woman who is simply sitting in the water is not in an active “open” position that allows sperm to enter. Women can become pregnant if they are sexually active in a sauna bath, but women who are simply visiting are not at high risk of imminent childbearing.

Are hot tub chemicals bad for penile skin?

Keeping the water in a steam room clean and free of bacteria means regularly dumping in harsh chemicals. Bathtub owners who are negligent in their use of chemicals can allow the spores to flourish, which can lead to skin rashes. These are not rashes caused by herpes or some other sexually transmitted disease. Instead, these bumps are caused by bacteria entering the hair follicles. A doctor can quickly diagnose these problems, and quick treatment with an antibiotic cream can make the spots disappear. On the other hand, the harsh chemicals in the water can cause dry and irritated skin if not rinsed off when the whirlpool session is over.

What is the best way to clean up after a bath session?

After a hot bath, a quick rinse in the shower can help men remove any chemical residue from the skin’s surface. Using a mild soap on the penis can also help men to ensure that this delicate organ does not contain any chemicals that could cause a problem in the future. Using a penis health cream (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) it can help men to keep the skin of the penis smooth and reactive, repairing any dryness that may have occurred during the sauna bath.

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