
Beabull puppies ask for potty breaks

Beabull puppies are highly intelligent dogs, so you probably have a little one running around your feet right now. You’re also probably just starting out with home training and want to make sure you do everything right the first time. A very important part of house training is making sure your Beaubull puppy knows how to ask to go out. We have the tips to train it to do just that!

Many dogs are the silent askers who stand by the door and patiently wait for someone to read their mind. By the time you notice, they’re practically crossing their legs. Teaching your dog to let you know that he has to go is important; teaching him to sound loud and clear is even better.

Pick up a set of jingle bells at your local craft store and hang them by the door where you take your Beabull puppy to the bathroom. Make sure the bells are low enough for your pup to reach them. Get a handful of treats and walk your dog out the door. Spread the bells on your pup’s face and say “ring.” When he touches them with his nose, immediately praise him and give him a treat. Repeat this every time you take him outside. After a few rides, try moving the bells further away or to the side to make sure it really understands what it’s supposed to do.

When your Beabull puppy is ringing the bells without you holding them, ask him to “ring” them before going to the bathroom. Once he rings the bells, let him out. Soon, he will realize that the doorbells open the door and he will do so every time he needs to go to the bathroom. Now you can hear his request from the other room!

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