
Camping Fun and Survival: Weather Forecast

When camping you are vulnerable to the elements, but don’t let that scare you. You have all the tools in nature to predict upcoming bad weather, allowing you to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. These survival tips are great for everyone of all ages and are fun to learn. Predicting upcoming weather is not only a great skill when enjoying the outdoors, but it could also save your life one day. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. Great weather prediction comes with experience. Over time, subtle cues from your environment will be picked up by your subconscious awareness and you’ll be predicting without even knowing how. Camping is the perfect environment to improve your weather prediction survival skills. You could even make a game for the whole family. The first to accurately predict the weather is free from plate service during the day and is served first at each meal.

Operation methods

There are several excellent indicators that help you predict weather change.


  • Wind can be a very accurate predictor of changing weather. If the wind increases or changes direction, the conditions around you are changing. Be very aware. If the wind changes drastically, there is usually a big change in weather on the way.

Sun and moon:

  • “If a circle forms around the moon, it will soon rain” This circle or ring around the sun or moon is called a halo. A ring around the sun or moon means that precipitation, usually rain, is on the way. The ring is created when tiny ice particles in fine cirrus clouds scatter light from the moon and the sun in different directions.
  • “Red skies at night, sailors delight; red skies in the morning, sailors watch out.” This old saying that you’ve probably heard a time or two has great validity. When the morning sun dyes the sky a crimson red, it’s often an indication that low pressure is bringing precipitation and a storm is on the way. A red sky at dusk indicates that the next day will most likely be fine. The sun shines happily through the dust particles. Revel in it, as sailors do.


  • The animals themselves are known to be great meteorologists. Animal behavior can be remarkably accurate in predicting the weather, from temperature, precipitation, and storms to the severity of the coming winter. American Indians have observed animals for centuries and accurately predicted the weather based on these observations. Animals are more likely to react to changes in the environment. They pick up subtleties that we often don’t, and they sense movements in air pressure. Movements in air pressure precede all weather changes.
  • Birds flying high in the sky usually indicate a nice, clear day. Most birds tend to fly closer to the ground just before it rains, especially birds that feed on insects. This is especially true with insect-eating birds called swallows. They fly lower because insects also fly lower. Insects can only fly as high as the air pressure (barometric pressure) allows them and swallows go wherever the food is.
  • Some waterfowl also fly low over the water when there is precipitation.
  • Gulls are very sensitive to changes in barometric pressure. Gulls often return to land when the air pressure (barometric pressure) drops, signaling stormy weather to come.
  • The bees and butterflies disappear just before it starts to rain. They feel the drop in barometric (air) pressure and instinctively seek shelter in their nests and homes.
  • Most of the animals become very quiet just before it rains.
  • Some Native American tribes say that the snowfall in the coming winter is foretold by the snowshoe hare, also known as the variable hare. If hares leave very wide tracks in the fall, these extra-furry hind legs are a sign of heavy winter snowfall that is on the way.
  • Another belief of some Native American tribes is that black bears predict severe winter weather by sleeping further from the den entrance than usual. During the fall, before a mild winter, the black bear will sleep near the burrow entrance. However, he would not go hunting for black bears while camping, to predict the coming winter. It’s best to avoid bears if possible, although they rarely attack, they sometimes do. When pressed, they often withdraw, even with pups. Remember to keep your food in a safe place at camp, like the trunk of your car, to prevent them from visiting your den.
  • The bees come out and get busier when the good weather approaches.
  • It is scientifically proven that you can find the temperature by measuring the mating calls of the cricket. To find the temperature: You must first count the number of chirps per minute the cricket makes. Subtract 40 from this number. Divide the result by 4. Add 50. The result of this calculation is very close to the temperature of the room the cricket is in.

Trees and flowers:

  • “When the leaves turn their backs, it is a sign that it is going to rain.” Many trees, such as maple and oak, have leaves that curl when the wind blows and the humidity is very high. Humidity and strong winds precede stormy weather.
  • In fact, the flowers smell best just before the rain. Stormy weather will most likely follow when the flowers appear to be the most fragrant.
  • The smell in the air is a great indicator of the proximity of precipitation. Plants release their waste in a low pressure atmosphere. This waste smells like compost and promises rain.

fire smoke:

  • When smoke rises from a fire and then sinks to the ground, this is usually an indication that a storm front is approaching.
  • On a clear day the smoke from the campfire rises steadily.
  • Smoke from the campfire beginning to swirl and descend is a sign of low pressure. Low pressure (barometric pressure) usually means that a storm or bad weather is usually on the way.


  • One of the best and easiest indicators of a change in weather are the clouds. Clouds provide a wealth of information about the upcoming weather. If there are no clouds in the sky, the weather is usually good.

Cloud Classification: Understanding the different types of clouds will help you predict weather patterns. Identifying different clouds allows you to read the clouds. They have what could be called their own language. It’s also a fun camping activity to get the whole family involved in cloud identification. Clouds are classified by three things.

#1 Shape

#2 Distance from Earth

#3 Rainmaker

#1 Shape

Cirrus (Latin for “curl of hair”) – These are fibrous, stringy clouds.

  • “Trace the painter’s brush in the sky, The winds around you will soon rush.” Cirrus clouds are what this rhyme refers to. The clouds are the painter’s brush. Often these high-level ice clouds precede the approach of precipitation.

Cumulus (Latin for “heap”) – These are puffy clouds. They often look like a piece of fluffy cotton floating in the sky separated from each other. Sometimes these clouds look like a person or an animal.

  • Cumulus clouds show good weather, but keep an eye on them. Any vertical growth in these clouds can indicate a sudden change in weather and the start of a storm.

Stratum (Latin for “cloak”) – These clouds form long bands and sheets that can cover great distances. These clouds are flat and wispy.

#2 Distance from Earth

Cirrus – Clouds whose base begins at or above 20,000.

High – Clouds whose base begins somewhere between 6,000 and 20,000.

#3 Rainmaker

nimbus (as a prefix) or nimbus (as a suffix) – Clouds that produce rain.

  • NImbostratus clouds are your standard rain cloud. These clouds look like a large, flat layer of gray clouds. If you see these clouds, it is very likely that it will rain.

Another indication of weather change:

  • “When the dew is on the grass, it will never rain. When the grass is dry in the morning light, wait for the rain before the night.” There is some validity to this old rhythm. If the grass is dry and free of morning dew, high winds are likely and rain is on the way. If there is dew on the grass in the morning, it is believed that it will not rain, unless, of course, the grass is wet from last night’s rain.
  • “When the sounds are clear, the rain is near.” This is true because sound travels farther before a storm.

Closing notes: Camping is a joy in life that creates memories to last a lifetime. Whether you’re camping with your spouse, family, best friends, or even just with the trees, understanding the signs and clues to weather changes is fun and valuable.

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