Pros and Cons of Incline Trainers and Incline Treadmills

Incline trainers (also known as incline treadmills) are a relatively new exercise equipment innovation that combines the treadmill with the stepper. It is a treadmill in function but a stepper in type of training. It is essentially a treadmill that offers a very steep incline for intense simulated “hill climbing” workouts. Some incline treadmills incline up to 40%. Some incline […]

Why do we lose muscle mass as we age?

On average, when we reach the age of 60, we lose about 30 percent of our muscle mass. These are the things that most people take for granted due to age. The first thought is correct, no one can stop aging, however, we can change most of the age-related problems that come along with it. Muscle loss is not unlike […]

Can massage chairs help with weight loss?

This question seems like a dream if the answer is yes. Wouldn’t it be great to just sit in your massage chair and lose weight? However, life is never that simple. Massage chairs can help in the weight loss process. The true path to weight loss includes eating right and exercising consistently. Massage chairs can aid in weight loss by […]

Eat Donuts and Lose Weight: All About Calories

There are scientific definitions for calories, but for our purposes, a calorie is a unit of measure for the energy our bodies use for all life processes. Essentially, calories = energy, you need energy to survive. Determining how many calories you need depends on your goals. The calculations are provided below. Overview of Total Daily Energy Expenditure Total Daily Energy […]

Treadmill Belts – What’s the Difference?

Walking belts are known by many different names, but there is no difference in basic accepted design, although different people may not use the same term to name a walking belt. Other names are: treadmill, walking belt, treadmill, jogging belt, bands (with the same descriptive variations), runner, and mat. For simplicity, we call it a treadmill, but our terminology doesn’t […]

It’s time to think about what we eat: 10 foods that are definitely forbidden for everyone

Indeed, you are what you eat. The most important step toward a healthy lifestyle is realizing that most of the foods NOT to eat are usually tasty, but killer. While grain products, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages are well-known, great-tasting unhealthy foods, the list doesn’t end there. There are many unhealthy foods that you should avoid, but for now here, we’d […]

walk to lose weight fast

Did you know that walking for fast weight loss is the most popular form of exercise for weight loss? The reason is that almost everyone can walk. There are no barriers to entry and we all know how to walk, right? Take a moment to read a couple of great ways to increase the calories you burn and lose weight […]