Dealing with the loss of a pet rat

For many rat owners, losing one of their best furry friends is a very emotional and painful experience. Often friends and family may not understand the extent of your grievance over the loss of a ‘rat’. What they don’t understand is that you had a deep connection to your friend on a soul level and that he was a close […]

What is consanguinity and line breeding: and its importance?

We start this article first by defining the word consanguinity. Inbreeding the production of offspring by parents more closely related than the population average. Genetically, inbreeding increases the portion of homozygous genes in the inbred population. Line breeding is a form of inbreeding in which an attempt is made to concentrate an ancestor’s inheritance, or an ancestor’s line in a […]

Kennel Residence Assessment – Part II

Once you’ve assessed the projected income from a kennel operation, you’re ready to do some math to arrive at the correct asking price. Keep in mind that there are experts in this field whose only job is to calculate trading values. They can complete a thorough analysis of the business and arrive at an estimate of the value of that […]

Is your family ready to receive a dog?

Thinking of adopting a dog for your family? If so, we think that’s great… but before you rush off to your local dog shelter, rescue group, or online adoption site, consider whether your family is fully prepared to accept the lifetime responsibility of guardianship. Of the dog. And then take some time to consider what type of dog is best […]