Real Estate

Enterprising homeowners can reduce property taxes and save thousands

Surely you have heard some variation of the popular affirmation: “Knowledge is power!” Well, in the context of lowering property taxes on your home, knowledge is power, and it can translate into big bucks. California homeowners can benefit for years to come with a little know-how and some capitalist motivation.

In the state of California, property owners can request a decrease in the assessed value of their home and a reduction in the property taxes they pay.

Around every opportunity to save or earn money, depending on your perspective, new entrepreneurial efforts spring up to capitalize on that opportunity. I fully support business creation around a developing need in an economy, but I don’t believe that new business creation is always a desirable outcome when a need develops in a market. Instead, I fully support people who proactively capitalize on these opportunities, especially when our government of the people provides a mechanism to do so.

With regard to property tax appeals and reassessment of home values, I encourage a do-it-yourself philosophy and practice. With a little education and guidance, most if not all people could successfully reduce property taxes in this real estate market. If you want to know what should be done and how it should be done, look up the Property Tax Appeal Copilot. The program is a training workshop for homeowners looking to do it themselves. Paying for expensive property tax consultants who promise to do what you can do in 2-3 hours is a waste. And waste is abhorred in the field of economics, certainly in these times.

Of all the capitalists out there, I consider myself one in the truest form. As such, I am the first to propose that more people become entrepreneurs. What I mean by this? Well, I’m certainly not advocating large numbers of employees giving up secure employment to attempt a risky endeavor for the sheer fun of the experience. I am suggesting that people become “home entrepreneurs”.

A home entrepreneur strives to explore the opportunities that arise in the context of the home economy. Balancing a checkbook and shopping for groceries are mundane everyday chores done at home, but researching new ways to increase your household wealth is the job description of a home entrepreneur. After discovering hidden ways to increase household wealth, a home entrepreneur must educate themselves and learn what is necessary before acting. Armed with knowledge and information, a domestic entrepreneur can act on and benefit from the opportunities that individual sought and pursued. For example, California homeowners researching the law on diminishing property values ​​and property tax relief applications will find that, with the right knowledge and information, they can greatly increase the wealth of their home. home.

Many may argue against my do-it-yourself approach by citing the benefits of delegation and time management. By engaging in work in which you are competent and knowledgeable, you create greater value than doing work in which you are less competent or skilled. Under this axiom, one will only do tasks that one is skilled and competent at, then delegate tasks one is less skilled at to others. However, the benefits of a small commitment of time and energy by a real estate developer with substantial value have the greatest value before the negative effects of diminishing marginal utility take hold. When it comes to home property tax reassessment, it pays off to do it yourself and invest the time and energy to reap the benefits of lower property taxes.

Now you may find yourself asking the question “how can I reduce property taxes on my home, and can I actually prepare a professional property tax appeal and be taken seriously?” The answer is “Yes, you can! With a little help!” Check out the Property Tax Appeal Co-Pilot program and discover how easy it really is to save thousands of dollars from your home this year and for years to come.

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