Lifestyle Fashion

Ginger and the candida diet

Ginger ale and gingerbread cookies are two things that probably come to mind when thinking about ginger. These are extremely tasty ways to consume ginger, however they are not the healthiest ways to consume it and consuming it in this way can be very problematic for those of us following the yeast infection diet to treat yeast infections. Candidiasis is a medical condition characterized by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a typically benign type of yeast, in our intestinal systems. The cornerstone of treatment for this condition is the candida diet which seeks to eliminate the foods that feed Candida albicans and allow it to continue to grow and cause problems throughout the body. Ginger ale and gingerbread cookies contain ingredients that can exacerbate yeast infections, with sugar probably the worst offender. Although eating ginger through sodas and cookies may not be the healthiest thing to do, fresh ginger is a great addition to any diet, but especially a candida diet. Ginger has a wide variety of health benefits and its unique sweet yet spicy flavor can help liven up many candida diet recipes.

Ginger is derived from the rhizome, the underground stem of the ginger plant. Ginger root, as fresh ginger is commonly known, is covered in a tough brown skin that resembles the bark of a tree. Ginger root pulp is most commonly yellowish in color, but different varieties can be white or even red. Ginger root is very easy to find and is available year-round in the produce section of the supermarket. Ginger is the main ingredient found in many Asian dishes. Although ginger is available ground, the taste of ground ginger is different from that of fresh ginger. Additionally, the ground type of ginger is believed to have fewer active ingredients responsible for ginger’s numerous health benefits.

Ginger has a wide variety of health benefits, but there is one that is of particular interest to yeast sufferers. Candidiasis is believed to occur due to an overgrowth of yeast that eventually weakens the immune system. The immune-boosting effects of ginger due to the presence of gingerrols can help strengthen the immune system and make it more equipped to manage and correct yeast overgrowth. Additionally, ginger can also soothe many of the chronic systems that plague people with yeast infections. Ginger can ease gastrointestinal upset, inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and nausea. Several research studies have also concluded that ginger protects and may even help treat certain types of cancer.

Although candida dieters may not be able to enjoy ginger in the traditional way, through sugary sodas and cookies, adding fresh ginger to your candida diet plan can be extremely beneficial to your health in many ways.

For more information, including recipes and tips on how to incorporate fresh ginger into your candida diet plan, visit Yeast Free Living.

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