
Hedgehog Information – Find Out Why They Make Wonderful House Pets

Hedgehogs are spiny mammals that are native to parts of Europe, as well as Asia, Africa, and New Zealand. They are not native to North America, so it is illegal to keep hedgehogs as pets in many states. If you are interested in raising these interesting animals, you should first find hedgehog information related to your area. But as you learn about the rules and regulations regarding these animals, here is more information about hedgehogs that you should know.

Hedgehogs’ backs are covered in hollow hairs called spines. They do not have barbs and do not come off easily unless the animal is sick or under stress. Nor do spines get in the way when hedgehogs roll into tight balls. They sometimes do this to warn other aggressive animals in the wild. The spines will not pierce human skin, making it possible to hold and pet a domesticated hedgehog.

Information on hedgehogs related to domestic animals is a little different than information related to wild varieties. While wild hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal, domestic animals are most active during the day. This makes them especially suitable for life as a pet. Domesticated hedgehogs do not hibernate, so they are active throughout the year. While wild hedgehogs mostly eat insects, domestic hedgehogs can thrive on cat or ferret food.

Every now and then, supplementing that meal with insects is a good idea and a welcome gift.

These small mammals are great for pest control, which is welcome information for anyone who has a garden. Let it roam the garden, a hedgehog can quickly remove insects. But care must be taken that pets do not ingest any type of insecticide. This can make them sick or even kill them. This is true for hedgehogs that are kept indoors all the time. They willingly eat ants or roaches, but insecticides should not be used indoors if they are allowed to roam freely.

Information on hedgehogs should be sought regarding diseases in these animals before considering adopting one. Many human diseases can infect these small mammals. These include cancers, liver disease, and heart ailments. Of course, those are not contagious diseases. But fungal skin infections are contagious, and hedgehogs can pass them on to members of their human family … and vice versa.

House hedgehogs are usually small, less than nine inches long. They live for three to eight years, which is not as long as most cats and dogs. Their small size makes them easy to transport, and they generally don’t mind being handled.

More information on hedgehogs can be found at local pet stores or through veterinarians. There is also a wealth of information about hedgehogs on the Internet. Generally speaking, these small mammals make wonderful household pets, especially in homes where cats or dogs are not allowed.

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