
Home Protection: More Than Your Insurance Policy

Homeowners, landlords, and renters need to be acutely aware of the fact that liability risks lurk in every corner of their property. Thank goodness for the availability and affordability of insurance coverage. Despite the genuine peace of mind that insurance policies provide policyholders, there are active measures that must be taken to prevent loss and damage, particularly potential robbery, theft, and vandalism that illegal trespassers and marauders can perpetuate. .

Underscoring the thought are the 1.5 million reported burglaries that occurred in the United States last year and proactive means of securing a home is one of the top defense tactics for any home or apartment dweller.

However, here’s the question: does keeping your exterior lights on prevent lurking criminals from entering your home?

In all likelihood, anyone reading this article will nod emphatically with a resounding yes. Surprisingly, the answer is not always yes!

Those involved in related insurance claims have conducted the appropriate investigation. They the following tips on how to use your outdoor lights to your advantage.

Four Outdoor Lighting Tips for Home and Condo Owners or Renters

1. Keep outside lights on when it’s dark outside. The advantages of this are two: a) the would-be thief understands that there are people inside; b) he improves his own visibility from the inside, allowing him to notice prowlers lurking on his property.

2. Keep outside lights on after nightfall. In addition to the above benefits, this also lights your way when you arrive home, giving you quick access to your home should you spot an unwanted intruder.

3. Don’t keep outside lights on when the sun is still out. This sends a message to prowlers that you have intentionally left the light on while you were away or on vacation.

4. Do not store your outdoor lights if you live in a rural area and are not near another house or building. Leaving the lights on in this case puts your home on a criminal’s radar. Not intimidated by fear of others, the thief can target his house specifically because of the lights that illuminate it.

Is there anything else a landlord or renter can do to protect themselves from burglars? Insurance specialists say yes: keep your property. Mow the lawn, trim the bushes, and give your surroundings a neat appearance by doing your own landscaping or hiring a landscaping company. This will show intruders that your home is not unoccupied and is not a perfect mark for a break-in.

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