How to Clean Brass Memorial Plaques

Clean Brass Memorial Plaques

Brass is a great material for memorial plaques. It’s strong, durable and can withstand the elements. Bronze also lends a professional look to a building. However, brass is prone to tarnishing. This can be prevented by following a few simple steps. These methods will help you keep your bronze plaque looking like new.

First, you need to remove any dust or debris. A soft bristled brush or a toothbrush can be useful in this regard. If you have a lot of grime to clean, you can try using a paste made from flour and salt. After this process is complete, you can then rinse the plaque in warm, soapy water.

Next, you will want to buff the memorial plaque with a clean, dry cloth. You can use an applicator brush if you have one, but be careful not to smear the plaque with your fingers. The last thing you want is to trap dirt in the wax.

How to Clean Brass Memorial Plaques

Once you’ve cleaned the plaque, you will need to polish it. You can choose to use a commercial product, such as Goddard’s Brass Polish, to give your bronze marker a glossy finish. However, you might be able to achieve the same effect yourself.

There are many other options available for cleaning your brass plaque, such as using a solution of hot soapy water and vinegar. Be careful to avoid harsh chemicals as these can damage the protective coating on the plaque.

Another way to give your bronze a glossy finish is to apply wax. While this will not completely prevent tarnishing, it will help reduce the amount that you have to deal with. Using a plastic paint edger can help ensure that the wax doesn’t go onto the stone surround. Also, don’t smear the wax too hard. Try to apply it in small, circular motions. Allow it to dry before re-applying.

Finally, you can consider using a special bronze cleaner. Although this will not give your memorial plaque the same shine as a professional cleaning service, it can be a great first step. Many commercial products are specifically designed for copper alloy and can effectively cleanse your bronze memorial.

As with any other cleaning method, you should use a soft cloth and water to wipe away any stains. If you have an old toothbrush, you can scrub between the letters to remove any grit or dust.

When cleaning your bronze memorial, it’s important to remember that you can never scrub it with abrasive materials. Doing so can result in swirl marks on the surface of the plaque. In addition, abrasive substances can scratch it. So make sure to rinse and dry your plaque after each cleaning session.

For more information on how to clean bronze memorial plaques, check out the following guide. Not only will it inform you about the most effective methods, but it will also explain how to do it properly. Follow these tips to preserve your bronze plaque for years to come.

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