
How Webkinz Pets can teach your child responsibility

You may have already been aware of your child’s demands in wanting a Webkins pet. What the hell are they? I hear you ask? Well, they’re not just a plush toy, that’s for sure because with every Webkins or Webkinz (with a “z”) as it’s sometimes spelled, you get a secret code and with this code you can open up a whole new Webkinz world. A world where you can adopt a virtual webkinz pet that needs to be nurtured and cared for.

One thing that must be said, and should be a concern of every parent or guardian when it comes to children’s online safety, the Webkinz website is a very safe environment for children. When your child enters the world of Webkinz, they’re not only playing and having fun, they’re also learning.

So how can a Webkinz virtual pet educate his brother? On the one hand, money management. How to earn it and spend it wisely. During their adventures in the world of Webkinz, kids can play games, answer questions, and complete tasks, during which they can earn KinzCash or virtual currency. They will need to earn KinzCash to buy things for their virtual pet, like medicine in case their pet isn’t feeling well. In these circumstances it is the responsibility of the child to take care of his pet.

Your child will need to care for their Webkinz in every way, including feeding, so you’ll need to budget for food. Shelter will also be needed for you to see how even though it is a virtual pet that we are talking about, your child will need to learn the importance of taking care of something that requires money and will learn the value of money. They will no doubt learn some valuable life lessons.

Your child will learn the need to set goals and the need to save for necessities for your pet. They will come to learn that they will need to earn a regular amount and budget for their pet’s welfare online. So you can see that by having fun and playing online games with a Webkinz virtual pet, kids can learn a lot about the real world.

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