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Indian food and your health

One of the major misconceptions about Indian food is that it is all oily curry that produces belly fat and is not a good choice for a healthy diet. However, when it comes to cuisine, there are few countries in the world that offer the diversity that constitutes Indian food. From region to region, there is a wide variety of dishes, and while some areas serve mostly vegetarian foods, others may focus on seafood. As such, there is a wide range of meal options that fit well with any type of diet. Foodies and health conscious eaters can find amazing Indian foods that satisfy their hunger and dietary needs.

Increasingly, Indian food is becoming popular in the West as it combines rich spiciness flavor profiles with an impressive combination of ingredients. Many Indian dishes feature a variety of vegetables, whole grains, lentils, and legumes, which are always great choices for a healthy diet. They even include herbs and spices that have medicinal value and therefore additional health benefits. However, the health value of Indian dishes will largely depend on how they are cooked. Steamed or boiled dishes are a better option, while fried options that use ghee or other oils are a less healthy option.

When it comes to what types of food are the healthiest option in Indian cuisine, you should consider the old adage “you are what you eat.” Vegetarian dishes contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but desserts are also common in Indian cuisine and should be limited if you are looking to reduce your caloric intake. Fortunately, many Indian dishes include a variety of spices so you can enjoy rich, delicious meals that are low in fat and calories. Also, all the spices used in Indian cooking have some nutritional and medicinal value. Turmeric, ginger, garlic, and green chilies are just a few examples of spices that provide medicinal and healing properties.

Another health benefit of traditional Indian cooking is the use of diverse and fresh ingredients. These foods (especially when cooked at home) do not contain preservatives and are relatively low in sodium. Plus, a typical Indian meal includes all the major food groups so you’ll have an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. In general, well-balanced meals help you feel full and provide all the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Still, if your plan is to incorporate Indian restaurant food into your diet, you should be careful. Most restaurant food (regardless of regional cuisine) is high in salt and fat, so it’s probably not the best choice. Still, cooking delicious and healthy Indian meals at home is a great way to improve your diet while enjoying foods that are rich in flavor.

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