
influencing your world

Having an influence on a particular thing means that you have controlled it. And you know that no one will hold on to being empty.

It all starts with your personal values. Influence starts with your values, and your values ​​come from the things you value.

Influence starts with your vision. What is your vision for your world and the future generation? Before you can influence your world, you must influence your immediate environment.

Influence starts with your differences and your uniqueness. What are the things that you do differently and that distinguish you from others, even by nature?

Influence has to do with what your passion is. Where is your passion? Influencing your world is/means that you are affecting your world with the virtues that you possess. The virtues that you carry begin with what your passion and character are, also what matters so much to you and what you value so much in your life and in the lives of people. Influencing your world automatically makes or makes you a role model to your world.

A man who had influenced his world would be and always would be recognized as a world changer. Influence means ‘to affect positively or negatively’. To influence his world is to cause a change in his world in a positive way, educationally, professionally, academically, socially, or otherwise.

Influencing your world means intentionally infecting and affecting your world with the values ​​you believe in, with the principles that had made you (the person you are now), with the knowledge that had transformed you.

Influencing your world doesn’t just start from your world, it would start from yourself (your personal development, your personal awareness, your personal growth), then it would radiate and spread to your immediate environment and from there, your environment would explode. to the world at large.

Ingredients to influence your world

1 character
Your character speaks or says a lot about your personality. Your character is you in action. Character means constant. Your character is the repetition of your clothes. Your character is deliberate, whether you know when you’re exhibiting it or not.

2. Integrity
This is you saying ‘yes’ and it is found to be ‘yes’. Integrity is saying yes and you are doing yes. Integrity is not compromising the standards you have been given.

3. Vision
Vision is very essential.
Before you can influence your world, vision is very necessary and important. Vision is fundamental to INFLUENCE. A man who influences his world will be a disciplined man. Vision disciplines the bearer of vision.

4. Diligence
Diligence means ‘Daily commitment to what you do’. Diligence causes Growth. Diligence causes Increase. Diligence makes you go beyond the limit established in your favor or against you or a barrier.

Diligence is daily commitment to what you do and this eventually graduates to Skill. The ability announces you; it positions and projects you as an authority in your world; an authority in the sense that he commands results at low cost even in the dire and difficult times in his field.

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