
Lenvatinib: a drug to cure liver, thyroid and kidney cancers


When cells in one part of the body divide and grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body, the condition is known as cancer. It is a deadly disease. Some types of cancer, such as in the breasts or testicles, show visible growths called tumors. Meanwhile, others like leukemia do not form any tumor.

Treatment depends on the severity of the cancer. Identifying it at the initial stage is not physically possible. But if it is identified through regular body checkups, it makes treatment much easier. It is difficult or almost impossible to treat late-stage cancers.

Liver cancer

Liver cancer forms tumors called malignant (cancerous) tumors. A liver is a vital part of the digestive system that absorbs nutrients from the digestive tract and circulates them in the blood. The liver also filters the blood, removing toxic components and chemical waste. Since the liver is a part that all blood must pass through, cancer cells from other parts of the body spread to the liver through the blood, making it a secondary cancer. Primary liver cancer is caused by excess alcohol or chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis B and C, or congenital disabilities.

Liver cancers are generally difficult and complicated to cure due to their complex composition. Therefore, treatments focus on minimizing pain and increasing the life of the patient.

thyroid cancer

The thyroid is a gland that controls metabolism. It is located at the bottom of the neck. It releases hormones that control the body with various bodily functions like the energy to be used and the development of the body. Women between the ages of 40 and 50 tend to get thyroid cancer, while men get it between the ages of 60 and 70.

There are four types of thyroid cancer: papillary thyroid, follicular thyroid, medullary, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. Papillary cancer slowly spreads to lymph nodes from other parts of the neck. Anaplastic cancer is the most rigid cancer of all. It is very difficult to treat, but it is also very rare to get this cancer.

Treatment of thyroid cancer depends on the stage and type of cancer.

kidney cancer

The kidneys are the parts that clean the blood and make urine. Kidney cancer occurs in people over 40 years of age. Kidney cancers usually begin to form tumors. The stages of kidney cancer are decided based on the size of the tumor and the spread of the cells to other organs or blood vessels.

There are two types of kidney cancer: renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma. Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer that begins to form in the lining of tubular tumors. Transitional cell carcinoma affects the center of the kidney.

Cancer treatment depends on body type, age, and the stage of cancer. If the size of the tumor is less than 1.5 inches, then it can be controlled with regular medications. But once the tumor grows, it is recommended to undergo surgery. Surgery involves removing as much of the tumor as possible and preserving the kidney for as long as possible.

Lenvakast (10 mg) Lenvatinib: Anticancer drug

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Lenvatinib is a cancer-curing drug used to treat cancers such as kidney, thyroid, or liver cancer. This medication is used to treat cancers that are not treated with radioactive iodine.

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