
Managing Retail Employees: Setting Expectations

Since retail hourly help can’t afford the kind of money many other jobs demand, often a store owner must work with a younger or less-skilled pool of talent. While there are plenty of smart, hard-working people in retail, not all of them will be like that. It is for this reason that you need to stay ahead in terms of what young workers and less skilled workers may have in store for you in terms of problems and fires to put out. Do we communicate here?

Younger workers, especially, should have detailed expectations for them. I’m talking about common sense basics here. Like showing up to work and being on time. Many people today don’t even know what good customer service is, because they have never seen or experienced it. The more you can anticipate what younger or less responsible workers might do to you and the better job you can do to remind them of your expectations, the fewer nasty fires you’ll have and the easier life will be. Am I clear here? The following is some specific and valuable advice from someone who has weathered the storms of lower wage workers… ME!

From the first interview and the first day of hire onwards: Work attendance and punctuality are a critical part of every employee’s performance. You must tell them that at least 5 times. Any absence without notice is cause for dismissal. You need to understand that, and YOU need to let your people know that you mean it. Anyone who is going to be absent for any reason must notify their manager at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled time at work. More notice is highly preferred and expected if possible. Here are some more important expectations that need to be made into written policies and signed by the employee.

1. Repeated tardies may result in loss of hours or dismissal. (Apple’s policy for its stores allows only three 6-minute late incidents over a 6-month period as cause for termination)

2. Any employee may be terminated immediately and without notice for any of the following reasons.

has. Proven theft or dishonesty

b. Violation of company cash handling procedures, including underpayment

against Falsifying company reports or records.

d. Deliberate destruction or damage to personal or company property.

me. Embezzlement.

F. Possession of firearms on company property or on company hours.

gram. Knowingly and knowingly completing or recording another employee’s time card or allowing another employee to do the same with yours.

3. May result in Disciplinary Action or Termination if one of the following procedures is violated.

has. Insubordination.

b. Rudeness or any action during company time that may bring discredit or result in loss of goodwill towards the company.

vs Not reporting a sale or refund at the time of the transaction.

d. Falsely claiming sick leave

me. Any negligent or intentional action that results in injury to yourself or others, or action that may result in damage to personal property of the company or others.

F. Unreliable assistance at work.

gram. Violation of the company dress code.

H. Failing to treat all customers and individuals on business property equally and with respect regardless of race, sex, or color.

Yo. Exchange of hours with another employee due to absence by either party

d. Deliberate violation of company security and loss prevention procedures.

The above policies are not intended to be complete, but merely to provide an idea of ​​the expectations and policy for all employees.

©2011 Retail Redefined and All rights reserved.

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