Health Fitness

Menopause causes weight gain: fact or fiction?

If you’re going through menopause, you’ve probably noticed that a few extra pounds have recently attached to your stomach and your body is slowly transforming from its hourglass or ‘pear’ shape to a more rounded ‘apple’.

You may not be very happy about this, but Will Be glad to know that you are not alone: ​​almost 90% of women gain some weight between the ages of 40 and 55.

This weight gain may not be entirely your fault. Research shows that weight gain during menopause can be caused by changes in hormone levels and not necessarily from overeating.

However, menopause is not entirely to blame for those extra kilos. A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to menopausal weight gain. As we become less active, our bodies begin to trade muscle for fat, resulting in a slower metabolism and weight gain.

The good news is that you can reverse weight gain.

Although you can expect to gain some weight between your 40s and 50s, excessive weight gain during menopause is not inevitable. In fact, you can reverse weight gain by reducing your calorie intake and spending more time moving and less time sitting.

The fact is that as the age of menopause approaches, women tend to exercise less. Of course, this can lead to weight gain, especially if you’re still eating like you did in your 20s.

Also, muscle mass naturally decreases with age. So if you don’t do anything to make sure you maintain your muscle mass, then it will start to decrease and your body will start to transform from firm to flabby, meaning more fat, less muscle. The less muscle you have, the less efficiently your body will burn calories. Your metabolism begins to slow down, and the end result is weight gain.

So now that you’ve learned that weight gain during menopause isn’t entirely inevitable and can be controlled, how exactly do you go about achieving it?

First of all, get up and move! You don’t have to get into lycra and join a gym to lose weight. Exercising at home for just 20-30 minutes a day, three times a week can make all the difference in the world. Or you can get a walking buddy for power hikes, join a walking club or start one!

Remember that muscle burns fat, so the more muscle you have, the better your body will burn fat which makes it easier to control your weight. Don’t forget that strength training and weight-bearing exercise, such as walking, are especially important for bone density, which is necessary to prevent osteoporosis.

Short and easy home workouts

If you want to shed those extra pounds and haven’t exercised since the Jane Fonda days of “going for the burn,” a great way to start is to try some short and easy exercises you can do at home.

There are some extremely good, easy-to-follow video programs from professional fitness experts that you can buy online to help you get the most out of your home workout.

You should choose an exercise program that has been specially developed for women over 40 so that your body gradually gets used to a higher level of activity. As she gains in fitness and flexibility, she can intensify her fitness program with longer, more intense workouts.

Although there is no quick fix for weight gain during menopause, changing your eating habits with small meals 4-5 times a day, only nutritious foods (not junk!) and increasing your activity levels with regular exercise at home , will help you rev ​​up your metabolism, burn calories, and avoid that dreaded midlife spread!

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