Lifestyle Fashion

Mental conditioning and evolution

Do people grow and flourish? Or are they raised by someone else? The general expression is -“I was raised”.- Especially in the Americas and the European continent, where we often hear people say: “I was raised as a Christian” or “I was raised as a Jew”, these are very common words and forms. . that we use to define ourselves, but I think it is absolutely ridiculous and humiliating that a human being has to be educated. You can raise cattle but not a person. A human being is supposed to flourish by their very nature, that’s why we’re at the top of the heap, at least, on this planet and on the evolutionary ladder, and most people don’t seem to understand that, or don’t they are. allowed to be understood by a lot of people; so they need to be “raised”.

To nurture means that someone is shaping you, and to shape means that it is a predetermined shape.

No flower that blooms is the same as another flower that bloomed yesterday. If we apply a mold in the same example of the flowers, it means that it will always be the same shape of the flower, over and over again. Right now, that seems to be the same mold technique that we generally and unfortunately use in today’s educational system, the so-called religions that are operating in the world, and of course, the family we’ve grown up in. Everyone wants you to be in a certain mold; they don’t want you to bloom like a wild flower. Because they are afraid of something new happening between them, they want something molded and familiar to them, being different or unknown will cause a lot of discomfort between those groups. If you have succumbed to that system, then yes, you have been molded a certain way, but if you allow your humanity to flourish, you will see that you don’t belong to any mold.

The beauty of being human is that there is no particular way to be: if you were a cat, you would be one way, if you were a bird, you would be another way, but to be human there is no particular way. The way of being. The human is not defined, nor is it described; it seems that nature drew two lines, for all other creatures on this planet; within those two lines, the creatures have to play their role. But for us humans, only the bottom line is drawn, there is no top line; socially, people are trying to draw an upper limit for themselves, but nature has not drawn an upper limit for any of us. The possibilities are limitless, and this is exactly what is scaring us humans right now, because we cannot decide what we are going to be, as a result of that, we are constantly trying to be like someone else or pretend our way. of being. Only the final result is established, for our constant evolution.

Evolution is such an abstract concept nowadays, but we still understand that there is more than one way to evolve as human beings, either consciously or unconsciously. To be more playful with this topic, I’m going to ask you a question. In your life experience, do you find all human beings at the same level of evolution?

Ask without prejudice, but with all due respect to all human beings, there are many people who could feel more complete with a tail, horns or sharp claws because they are always looking for a way to fight each other over nonsense. in the world. You can go out and drive down the street to see what I’m talking about; The traffic is a disaster, but it is more complicated in other parts of the world. Driving in the Dominican Republic (where I’m from) is probably the most challenging, I’ve seen people drive their dream cars to their emotional limits over the smallest things, and they’re very angry; even in other countries where traffic is much more disciplined. I see the same rage, every second someone gets in your way where I live. It’s like people are constantly trying to prove their horoscope; if their astrologer has told them -you will live eighty years- they will test their life expectancy by driving like crazy.

People who are in such a state of anger are probably going to evolve over time and nature will give them those claws and horns, because it would be more suitable for their mood and emotions. When you see these kinds of people, you feel like they really want to scratch someone, but they don’t have the claws to do it. Their evolutionary process must be that one day they get the claws. The examples go on and on for the different types of people, but you probably understand my sarcasm at this point.

All humans are not at the same level of evolution even though we are doing the same things as other creatures: we are born, eat, sleep, reproduce and die like every other creature on this planet. The only thing we can do differently is to conduct all these very simple aspects of life, consciously; From the moment you are awake to the moment you fall asleep, how many thoughts, emotions and actions do you carry out consciously? This will determine the state of your evolution at this time.

If you can do the things mentioned consciously, I’m pretty sure you will do it in a certain way. If you take things compulsively, you will look like every other creature on this planet. We only seem to be at the peak of evolution when we do things consciously, not otherwise. You have enough awareness and awareness to consciously evolve. When we were like monkeys in the past, we couldn’t decide “I will become a human being”. Because nature was the one who pushed us. But now we are aware enough to decide “I want to evolve from where I am to what is possible.”

We must pay attention to everything around us today because modern society is suffering from attention deficit syndrome caused by people’s idea of ​​education. Most people believe that education is information, but the general idea of ​​the human education system has become to fill you with information; The more information you accumulate in any mind, the more that mind will develop an aversion to attention. Because without knowing anything, information gives you a false sense of knowing everything and this is becoming fashionable nowadays. for instance:

If someone invites you to dinner, you can Google information about the hundred billion galaxies in space; they’ve all been numbered and named, and you see that galaxy 5337BZ is going to collide with another galaxy (you know because those were the first two sentences that come up when you google it) and you go to dinner. Who talks to you or says “how are you?” you can say something like “Hey! Do you know the galaxy 5337BZ which is a trillion light-years away?” and you talk about it, making people believe that you are smart.

This is the whole problem with our world right now. We are confusing information with intelligence. Anyone who wants to navigate through any situation needs intelligence, not just information, because information is just a useful tool that helps you navigate through a particular situation in a unique way.

Once you fill yourself with too much information, attention becomes a serious problem. You lose the ability to hold your attention and also the ability to access your intelligence. You just pull the information out of memory.

You’ve probably heard the story of Andrew Carnegie. When he started his company in a short time, he became so successful and made so much money that the US government suspected him of negligence. They set up a senate committee of inquiry and questioned him in every possible way and found nothing wrong with his business; they got desperate and asked: “How do you manage to earn so much money and be so successful?” Carnegie’s answer was very simple. He said, “My secret is that I can keep my mind focused on something for five minutes straight.” All the senators started looking at themselves and asked, “What about focused attention for five minutes?” to experiment with each other; they couldn’t keep their attention on anything for more than a few seconds and Carnegie said, “You shouldn’t be running the United States.”

When we were kids we used to do a lot of races to see who could run the fastest. But let me play around with those memories from your running days. If you have to participate in a race with your friends and I attach three legs to you, you will run slower; but with only two legs you would run faster, right? It is the same thing that happens with information, you attach to your memory something that is not yours and you identify with it. The more you do that, the less effective you become.

If you pick up a teenager with the internet, he probably knows the name of the galaxy we used in the example but it’s not good for him, because that’s not knowledge, it has no use other than bragging. We humans must realize that we don’t know a speck in the universe correctly, not even an atom, the moment you think “I know this” you cannot pay attention. The arrogance of information will bring you attention deficiency.

You probably realize that the more educated people start to get, the richer people get. They cannot wait, because patience is more scarce, but people who do not hold themselves in high esteem live very differently, for example:

If you ask a villager to come, sit down and wait. He will just sit there and wait all day. But if you ask an educated man to do the same, he will look at his watch 20 times in a minute because he can’t wait, he has no patience as a result of his brain thinking too much of himself.

I hope you understand the proportion of what you are in this existence because if you don’t it will be difficult for you to understand that sometimes in life there is no other way than to simply wait. When I say proportion, I mean the comparison of our speck of existence with the infinite size of the cosmos. So if you have the desire to evolve, flourish and achieve great things in this life, you must have the patience to learn how your environment is shaping you and how to break the mold that you and society must build around your true nature as a human being. . .

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