
Open source web development

The picture

Imagine if you want, trying to buy a car, it looks fancy, shiny, fast, the salesman wants you to have it as bad as you do. But you are a smart shopper who wants to check things out before spending the money. But the seller does not let you see the inside! He won’t let you look under the hood. He has no idea what the vehicle can actually do or if it can do anything. I feel the same with commercial software. It costs half a dollar to run an operating system on a computer, another half dollar for decent graphic design software, and yet another legitimate HTML editor. From this, and of course the title, you can tell that I’m focusing on software for web development, but many of the principles discussed here can be applied to all software. Many stores sell on the web, it is a hassle free environment and many people shop on the web because they know they can buy anything. So a web page may be something you really want, but you’ll want to get what you paid for, or heaven forbid it’s an investment… more than you put in. Keep reading!

why open source

The reason web development is such a big industry is because it is a business that has everything that other businesses don’t. Accessible from millions of locations, in every country that has plumbing, AND… can theoretically be made, maintained, changed, or destroyed from any Internet-enabled computer (including phones and handheld devices). The biggest advantage of anything open source is the cost of the software, you can’t compete with free. The cost of a website is quite high when it goes through a company, which takes its share and then assigns it to one or two employees who do all the work. But that company has to buy software to work, right? Of course! But what does a company do when an open source product is better than the ones it is currently using? Do people within the company prefer to use the same software, usually not until they have gotten it into their heads, and even then if it costs a lot? So why is Open Source the panacea? You still have to work, have hardware to run it and so on. But then you can pay only for the time of an employee, you can try different solutions. And since we are talking about web development, we can look at the amazing content managers that are open source, like Joomla or PHPNuke, where anyone can put content.

Big companies and open source

So knowing that open source is free and that it’s underpaid freelancers and programmers working on it with occasionally paid employees and projects that have backers, who benefits from the open source movement and who doesn’t? I’ll let you know that I greatly benefit from all the free software out there in my own freelance web design, as I explained earlier, software for editing graphics and HTML code is expensive, I couldn’t imagine paying for the FTP Client as well. files, it is used to upload files to a server). Now it’s a fact that all of us little people save tons of money, but now who does it hurt? I was doing some research and found that a lot of companies that were starting to adopt open source solutions like IBM and Novell, also any smaller company that provides a service and is struggling to grow. Bigger companies like IBM don’t care that the programs are free because they’re making hardware and if people didn’t have to spend so much on software, they’d spend a little more on hardware. Novell wouldn’t mind because they can make the code seamlessly integrate with operating systems that they can see all the code for. The only software company that is suffering (I’m sure you could find more if you searched) is Microsoft, I find it amusing that Microsoft would spend so much money and time on their game console when they specialize in their OS. At first I thought it was another part of the market that Microsoft wanted to dominate, but now that I know how prevalent open source is becoming, it was actually a brilliant idea that will give them something to live off of when people eventually switch to Linux or any other free operating system.

Internet in everything we do

The reason this article focuses on web development along with open source is that we spend a lot of our computer time on the internet, if it wasn’t for music I think I wouldn’t need a big hard drive, I just have a few gigabytes of apps at any given time. But if my computer can’t connect to the internet, I feel stranded! I mean, I was able to check my email (the two different online accounts I have), edit or just view my website, chat with my family in Canada and friends who still live an hour or so south of Salt Lake City. , and make web pages for other people. So the internet is critical to me, and that’s why I need open source products, I could never afford to buy high-end software and then make a website for as little as I do.

This concludes this broadcast article

Thanks for reading and give Open Source a try, if you are using Google you can type Linux, Joomla, SourceForge or Open Source and you can find all that free software for Linux and Windows. Enjoy!

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