The myth of pink hair

The myth of pink hair, that’s what my friend Penny calls it. It’s the common but misconception that to be creative one must look unabashedly artistic. Of course it’s more than just pink hair, it can be a lifestyle, you know, wild hair, crazy clothes, clove cigarettes, etc. The decorations change over the years, but it’s all about looking like […]

Kabbalah – What is it?

Is it a science, a religion, a teaching? Is it secret or obvious? Is it something we can feel and evaluate? Is it outdated or is it relevant in our time? Kabbalah is a wisdom about the universe. However, it studies much more than the part of the universe that we perceive through our five innate senses. Kabbalah explains that […]

Menopause causes weight gain: fact or fiction?

If you’re going through menopause, you’ve probably noticed that a few extra pounds have recently attached to your stomach and your body is slowly transforming from its hourglass or ‘pear’ shape to a more rounded ‘apple’. You may not be very happy about this, but Will Be glad to know that you are not alone: ​​almost 90% of women gain […]

Why does chocolate make me hot?

Have you ever noticed that chocolate is sold in the women’s clothing section at department stores? Have you ever wondered why? It is because women crave chocolate. And that’s a good thing! Doctors have done many studies on the connection between chocolate and increased sexual desire in women. These studies reveal that women who eat some chocolate every day have […]

Where Is Sports Betting?

Sports Betting Depending on your state, sports betting can be legal or illegal. While many states have enacted laws that authorize and permit online and mobile sports wagering, others have not. However, there are more states that are considering or planning to legalize the activity. In fact, many states have already partnered with online sites and sportsbooks to offer betting […]

What is Homesteading? What to Know to Get Started

What is Homesteading? Homesteading is a lifelong pursuit. A homestead can be a place of solitude, but it is also an opportunity to make connections with your community. It can bring your family closer together, and it can help you become more self-sufficient. The process can be daunting, but it is a fun and rewarding endeavor. Before you start, here […]