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Pregnant With a Cold: Natural Remedies to Help Her Heal

There are few things as miserable when you’re pregnant as getting sick. You’re probably already suffering from morning sickness and constipation, and getting the flu or cold during pregnancy can make you want to give up.

Ironically, your natural immunity is lowered during pregnancy to prevent your body from rejecting your baby. So this makes you more prone to getting the flu or cold during pregnancy. Since it’s best to take as little medication as possible during pregnancy, you may be looking for natural home remedies to help alleviate your miserable cold or cough symptoms.

One of the best home remedies is to simply rest and drink plenty of fluids. On the plus side, the fact that you have a cold indicates that your body is doing what it’s supposed to do, and that’s fighting the infection. There are a few ways to help you lessen the severity of your illness and make you feel a little more comfortable while your illness runs its course.

Natural home remedies for your cold during pregnancy

Gargling with warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat. Just add a pinch of salt to a small glass of warm water. You can also gargle with a mixture of honey and lemon juice in hot water. Mix lemon juice with a small glass of hot water and add a tablespoon of honey before gargling. Gargle every three to four hours.

· Steam inhalation can do wonders to relieve congestion and bad coughs. Essential oils, including peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil, can help enhance the benefits of steam inhalation. Even taking a hot shower can help reduce coughing.

Investing in a Neti Pot or sinus cleanse can help you breathe. Simply clearing mucus from your nose and sinuses can help you get some sleep.

Homeopathic remedies can be of great help if you can figure out which one is the right one to take. Consulting a certified homeopath can make all the difference. The best book to have on hand, and you will have it for years, is Everyone’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Cummings and Ullman. Homeopathy has no negative side effects and that makes it safe to take during pregnancy.

Some herbs may be beneficial as disease-fighting home remedies and, depending on the herb, are safe to use when you have a cold during pregnancy. Echinacea is more effective in boosting your immunity.

· You can take a tablespoon of honey to soothe and coat the throat.

Drinking water or other fluids can help keep you from getting dehydrated and can help relieve chest congestion, but hot drinks, such as tea or chicken noodle soup, are better for relieving cold or flu symptoms. . Herbal teas, such as peppermint and ginger, can help soothe a sore throat. Try to avoid sodas and other sugary drinks, as they can reduce your body’s ability to fight infection.

If your illness does not seem to abate after a week, or if other symptoms begin to develop, contact your doctor. This could mean that you are suffering from a secondary infection.

Avoid catching a cold naturally

The best way to avoid getting sick is to take care of yourself. Eat a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly, which helps boost your immunity.

Regular hand washing is an easy and effective way to prevent illness.

If you’re not already taking a prenatal vitamin, it’s time to start. Prenatal vitamins can help improve your health and boost your immunity, making it easier for your body to fight infection if you get sick.

Check with your midwife or doctor if you have any concerns about the safety of medicines or natural alternative medicines you would like to take to ensure they are safe during pregnancy.

Home remedies, including Grandma’s Chicken Noodle Soup, can be safe, natural, and effective ways to fight illness. And you’ll feel better knowing they’re safe for your baby, too.

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