Tours Travel

St Germain De Medici

The search for knowledge through science has a much longer history than the Hellenizing propagandists or empire builders have allowed us to know. Knowledge is power and in the hands of a few people it is a corrupting influence. Alchemy can also be a transformative spiritual science. Our intellect is important, but it is not the only ability to acquire wisdom that human beings possess. I can use the word “believe” or “think” as if my mind is fixed or closed on a particular subject, but there is almost nothing to which it is not open. I attribute my love for questioning to the alchemical or humanist sage known as Socrates. The act of open questioning will take a person who loves learning to many places. John Von Neumann appears to be a more current progeny of the St. Germain type and also hails from Budapest. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is so important to space exploration and covert operations, was founded by an alchemist or at least Jack Parsons was important to the early days of JPL. I am quite concerned about the use of this knowledge in the hands of people who do not have adequate ethical training.

Origins of alchemy:

It is fair to say that early alchemists set out to collect drugs or plants and meteorites even before man gathered into clans to protect themselves against other hominids and large animals long before man traveled across the ocean to the island of Flores long ago. minus 825,000 years.

There are many twists and turns to follow in the search for knowledge and its power, which has been the purpose of many secret agencies since ‘their’ history began. We must look at a time even before the records of history; that extend (like stones and symbols) to the beginnings of man’s thought. These beginnings did not start with language because of some gift from God and they did not need alphabets or other forms and structures as Locke’s tabula rasa would have us believe. You will see that Jewish and Muslim mythmakers, as well as Catholics, participated in cryptic or coded information. It is important to remember that the Islamic people did not have as complete a destruction of knowledge as the ‘Middle Ages’ despite the efforts of Caliph Omar. Hermes Trismegistus is considered by many to be the celebrated cause or namesake of Hermetics, and yet Barrett (who was a social engineer at MI6) would have us believe that he and his work did not exist until Catholic churchmen developed hermeneutics. Talk about ‘revisionist history’ or Hellenized plagiarism!

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