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SWOT analysis for job descriptions

Project Management Job Specification SWOT Analysis Grab a blank sheet of paper – with the job specification and any other details about the organization in front of you, start jotting down your thoughts on the following;

Strengths Top 5 qualities

Take note of the top five qualities of the position that appeal to you; What about the roles and responsibilities that have made you want to apply for the position? If one of the qualities is simply that you like the idea of ​​working for that particular organization, write that down as well. Is it the type of projects you will be working on or a particular business focus that you would like to pursue?


Make a note of anything in the job specification that shows it is consistent with your thinking about this type of job: Does the job reflect the salary level well? Are the roles and responsibilities consistent with this type of position? Can the roles, responsibilities and objectives be achieved for this job level? Where there are inconsistencies; drop those thoughts on the side of SWOT weaknesses.


Does the job specification meet your expectations in terms of planned professional development? salary level; level of responsibility; appropriate level of challenge or stretch; present enough of your current skills; feeling aspirational; the organization sounds like one you would like to work for; How does it feel to read the specification?


Take note of all the positive things you know about the organization; Consider conducting research to see if you can learn more about how the organization is viewed in the marketplace, by its employees, its suppliers, etc. Is there any information that gives you a better idea of ​​the organization’s resources, assets, and people? processes and systems; the project management culture?

Opportunities Challenges

Most people seek a new position because they are ready for a new challenge; Take note of all the challenges you think this position may present you. It is worth taking note of all the known challenges, that is, those that are evident from the job specification and also the unknown challenges, that is, the challenges that you think this position can bring.


Take note of what you think are the opportunities available to you while working for this particular organization.

Professional aspirations

This is an opportunity to take a closer look at how this position fits in with your career aspirations, for example if the position gives you greater team responsibility or the complexity of the projects you need to manage.

Weaknesses Ambiguity

Now is the time to think about the job specification with a little more objectivity. Take note of any areas of the job specification that are unclear or make little sense.

Not attractive

What areas of the job specification (roles and responsibilities) are the least attractive to you? We know that any job is likely to have some roles and responsibilities that we don’t like to do, but how much of this position is unattractive to you, honestly?

Without experience

In what areas of the job specification are you not experienced, unqualified, or unqualified to do? Start by thinking about those areas in which you have no experience, then those in which you have a little.


Take note of any concerns you have about the organization that you are aware of at this time. It is also worth making a more general note of what would not be attractive to your organization at this point, i.e., customer site work, shift work, etc.

Threats Questions

Now, thinking even more objectively, even negatively in some cases, take note of all the issues you can think of that mean this position is not right for you. Is the skill set required? The location where you would work? The level of salary offered? Often when a job seeker is making plans to move into a new position, the more negative side of a potential new job is often overlooked. This can often mean taking the job for the wrong reasons and moving on shortly after your start date – not a huge career change!


And finally, are there any roadblocks that mean you wouldn’t enjoy working for this organization? Also think about the reasons why the organization does not consider you a likely candidate for the position.

The SWOT Analysis for Job Specifications is designed to get you really thinking about a new project manager job before starting the application process.

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