Syrup made from Gaviscon – The Benefits of Sodium Alginate

Syrup made from Gaviscon

Gaviscon Syrup, which is marketed under the name Magnesium Aspartate, is a white, thick and sweet syrup that contains a large amount of magnesium salts. It is used in the manufacture of nutritional and dietary supplements because of its multiple health benefits. Magnesium aspartate is obtained from the fossilized magnesium crystals found within the foothills of active Himalayan mountains. A number of researches suggest that Gaviscon Syrup not only provides numerous health benefits but also helps in treating several diseases like anemia, nausea, convulsions, diarrhea, brain tumors and gastric emptying problems. It is consumed both internally and externally, which means it can be taken by individuals on a regular basis.

Gaviscon suppliers

Although most people consume gaviscon syrup as a sports drink, it has many more health benefits. It is especially known for treating indigestion, acidity, stomachache, asthma, heartburn and gastric reflux. However, gaviscon is also beneficial for pregnant women, lactating mothers, infants, elderly people suffering from liver disease and cirrhosis. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, then consuming gaviscon syrup could help you in getting rid of your ailment. According to research, this sweet syrup could reduce acidity, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, acidity and stomachache. There are two types of this product – one is gavisconne and other is gaviscon syrup alginate.

Syrup made from magnesium is known to reduce heartburn, nausea, acidity and diarrhea. However, experts believe that prolonged consumption of this product could cause severe adverse effects on the gastro-intestinal system of an individual. Consumption of soda, juices and diet beverages increases the risk of developing gastro-intestinal disorders like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. In order to avoid the harmful effects of sodium bicarbonate, experts suggest that people should consume products that contain less sodium. For individuals who are suffering from heartburn frequently, they should try to consume products with low sodium content.

The Benefits of Sodium Alginate

Research shows that individuals with hyperactive bladder should not consume products containing sodium bicarbonate. This is because it may increase the frequency of indigestion and can worsen the symptoms of a hyperactive bladder. Experts recommend gaviscon for those who have irregular meals or are suffering from bloating. However, gaviscon should not be consumed after meals if one is suffering from heartburn or if stomach pain is present after eating. It is believed that individuals who are unable to tolerate alcoholic drinks should consult their physician before consuming products that contain alcohol. Individuals with hyperactive bladder should also stay away from products that contain caffeine, as it may worsen indigestion and may increase stomach pain.

A teaspoonful of this ingredient gives relief from indigestion and heartburn. It is best taken about half an hour before a meal. Individuals suffering from acid reflux should ingest gaviscon syrup alginate after meals, as it can ease indigestion and stomach pain. Consult a physician before using this product for individuals who suffer from heartburn frequently. Individuals who have high blood pressure are not advised to use this product, as it may result in adverse effects.

Individuals who have undergone intestinal surgery, people undergoing chemotherapy, and individuals with gastric bypass surgery should not take sodium alginate because it can interfere with absorption of other medications. For individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), it is not advised to consume products that contain sodium alginate. Individuals who have undergone liver or gall bladder surgery should also avoid products that contain sodium alginate, because it can interfere with the process of absorption of medications. Before consuming any product that contains this ingredient, it is best to consult a physician. Individuals with high blood pressure or heart disease should never take this product.

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