Tours Travel

That Itchy Penis May Be From Time In The Hot Tub

Spending time in the hot tub can be a great way to relax and let sore muscles get the heat and massaging action of jets they crave. But what if a guy walks out of that hot tub with a pitifully stung penis? Unfortunately, this can be the case at times, and the condition can even go beyond penile health, often creating an itchy rash all over the body.

hot tub fun

Hot tubs have become a huge part of the American social scene in recent decades. Although hot tubs are often used solely for “family” recreational activities, they also have a reputation as an especially rewarding place to have sex. The stimulation provided by the pulsating water jets, combined with the heat, can make hot tub sex irresistible for some.

Unfortunately, unless properly and regularly cleaned, a hot tub can also become a breeding ground for bacteria. Hot water is very attractive to bacteria, and unless the right amount of chlorine is added at the right times, bacteria can grow and stain people’s skin in the tub. And ironically, the rash tends to be more prominent on and around the penis, since wearing a bathing suit traps bacteria against the skin more directly for a longer period of time. (However, naked hot tubs don’t totally protect against rashes; it just means it may be less serious.)

hot tub folliculitis

One of the most common causes of an itchy penis (and rashes elsewhere on the body) is something called folliculitis (often just called a rash). This is an especially unattractive itchy rash; Although it can be contracted by bacteria, it is more common in wooden bathtubs.

Hot tub folliculitis usually appears a few hours after using the tub, but there can be a delayed reaction, causing it to appear a few days after exposure to the bacteria. This rash tends to develop around the hair follicles as the bacteria lodges in the root of the follicle and begins to infect the area.

This rash looks a lot like chicken pox in its early days, though as it progresses it looks like a grain field. Like chicken pox, folliculitis is very itchy; in some cases, people report that it can be painful and often produces a burning or stinging sensation when it becomes severe.

The good news is that the condition usually resolves within a week or two; the bad news is that it’s uncomfortable and unattractive while it persists. That itchy penis is unlikely to get much pleasure while the rash is present. A rash that lasts more than two weeks may need antibiotic treatment.

yeast too

In some cases, it can also be a breeding ground for yeast. Although yeast infections are more common in women than men, they do occur on the penis and can cause intense itching.

To reduce the chance of a related penile itch, men should ensure that the bathtub in question has been properly cleaned and disinfected. It also helps limit the amount of time in the tub; longer exposure increases the risk of infection. Finally, showering after using the tub can help displace bacteria.

An itchy penis, from a hot tub or other sources, needs hydration. Daily use of a top-tier penis health cream (Health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin) A combination of moisturizers is required. Look for one with shea butter (a high-quality emollient) and vitamin E (a natural moisturizer) for good results and to keep skin soft and smooth. It is an advantage if the cream also contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress, leaving the skin of the penis stronger and less prone to infection.

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