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The 2020 Election

The Apostle Paul recorded a personal revelation inspired by the Holy Spirit, that when he experienced spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, a miraculous transference took place within him. Instead of being overwhelmed by circumstances, he became a “super saint”. He became stronger than the challenges of him. His weakened faith gave way to a powerful release of trust in the Lord whom he served. On one occasion, he asked for the release of a thorn in the flesh that had led him to ask the Lord three times to remove it. Jesus’ response was that his grace was sufficient for him and “that my strength is made perfect in weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9) What Paul realized was that the power of God was made “perfect” during his moments of weakness. Thus Paul affirmed, from the hand of Titus and Luke, as a result of the power of God, that when he was weakened by circumstances, he could proclaim “…for when I am weak, then I am strong”. (II Corinthians 12:10)

During the uncertainty in our country, Christians are swayed by opinions instead of Biblical truth. If your presidential election falls short of the finish line, your eyes and ears become the relay for worry, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. The face of many believers has become the transmitter of distorted reasoning. Some begin to speculate about a coming darkness that will cover this great country. Exaggerations remove confidence and faith from your conscience. Some Christians are beginning to see themselves as talent scouts for a local funeral home!

Let me try to put this in perspective. It seems that believers have become so attached to this world that they have forgotten where their true citizenship lies. Our “new birth” certificate shows that our citizenship is in Heaven. (Philippians 3:20) Jesus stated several times that the believer “is not of this world.” (John 15:19, John 17:16) The Bible makes it emphatically clear that Christians are in the world, but they are not of the world. When one aligns the governmental leadership of the world and the Kingdom of God, there is a very clear difference. Jesus taught that we must have respect for those in authority and at the same time acknowledge God’s sovereignty and rule. (Matthew 22:21) If a new “Caesar” becomes the leader of our country, we are still bound by the laws of the land, whether we vote for him or not!

When Christians divide their loyalty between the two kingdoms, we hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. Earthly kingdoms will come and go, but the Kingdom of God is eternal. (Luke 1:33) Political leaders will come and go, but Jesus’ reign will last forever. Personalities can influence lives, but Jesus is the only person who can change lives. Elections come and go, but God’s elect will reign with Him forever.

During these turbulent times we must rest assured that the only one who can bring peace, faith, and hope is Jesus Christ. You may be disappointed that your chosen candidate has not been chosen, but you can rest assured that nothing escapes his notice. He has everything under control and even if we don’t understand the “whys”, we know the “whys”. God has a purpose in everything he does and he will carry it out in his time! Do not let your heart be troubled, rather rejoice in what you are!

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