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The clock is ticking: apply for grants now!

Single mothers across the United States endure the daily difficulties and struggles of playing mom and dad to their children. Rent, groceries, car payments, and daycare expenses are just a few of the bills we know you can’t put off for any reason when you have kids. Since most single parents work two jobs to make ends meet, the huge expense of a high school education is impossible to finance.

Who would think that it is possible to go to school and get ahead, especially starting from the deficit that you have built when you are single, with children? That question leaves a single parent feeling hopeless, hopeless, and poor. President Obama believes that the consequences of this mindset are rippled across America, are clearly evident in every community, and must change. The Obama administration’s commitment is doing everything possible to renew belief in the American dream. Achieving the dream can be set in motion only through individual commitments to hard work and perhaps, in the words of President Obama, “facilitated by government assistance.” Getting financial assistance in the hands of single mom grants is one way President Obama hopes to instill a belief that Americans can look to their government for help in times of need, and his government proudly agrees to lead the world to through our example. Apply for grants and see how funds are available to help you pay for college.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is a government grant and is the first step toward tuition assistance for single mothers looking to begin their education. Last year’s tax return or W-2 forms are all the information needed to complete it. There are application deadlines that you must meet if you want to be financially eligible to start each semester. Be sure to apply early. Funds are distributed on a first application, first eligibility basis. Those applications received before the deadlines receive the full amount of the benefit for which they have qualified. Applications received closer to the deadlines often receive partial benefits, since the amounts of available government funds rarely change, but the number of applicants always increases from year to year. Deadlines are posted online for each state.

The key to getting the funds provided by these resources is to know the guidelines and submit your requests before the due dates. Apply for grants now and get into college now while funds are available.

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