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The principle of “give to receive”

Have you ever wondered why few blogs get all the success while most fail? Some of these big guys have thousands of RSS subscribers, while most others don’t even reach the thousands. The answer to these questions lies in a very basic principle. The law of reciprocity and the principle of giving to receive. Failure to adhere to these principles will almost guarantee that you will not achieve any long-term success.

All truly successful entrepreneurs understand this fundamental principle of giving to others without expectation. What you provide can be information, enthusiasm or inspiration, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you give something to the community before you start expecting something from it. Doing this correctly and honestly is also important. The fact is, this principle doesn’t just apply to blogging, it applies to all areas of life. Take your job, for example, when you start giving more to your company, the people around you start to see you differently. Suddenly you become an inspiration to many. People start looking up to you for doing important work. They begin to trust you. And before you know it, you start taking things back. Maybe a promotion, a raise and what not?

It is your attitude towards others and the willingness to help without expecting anything in return that makes you attractive. So how can we use this principle in blogging?

1. Write high-quality posts with the intention of giving your readers the best information.

2. Be consistent. Get in the habit of posting every day.

3. Take negative comments positively. It will disappear very soon. Use those negative comments to improve your blog and yourself.

4. Make an improvement to your blog monthly, weekly or even daily. Do it with the intention of making it healthy. Beauty will be a by-product of it.

The proper application of the principle of giving to receive will inevitably lead to the principle of reciprocity. When you reach a stage of taking things back, not only will you be successful, but it will stay with you for a long time.

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