
Tips to Overcome Bad Dog Behavior – Part 2

Aggressive behavior towards other dogs.

Aggression can come from different factors. There is dominant aggression when a new dog enters your pet’s territory.

The problem may also be related to sex hormones, where spaying or neutering can help alleviate the situation. Maternal aggression where they can become irritable and possessive, and protective of their home.

When you realize that your dog is about to become aggressive towards another dog, try to get your dog’s attention the moment you make eye contact with the other dog. Try to distract him with a treat or toy and tell him to sit.

Try having someone walk another dog and practice remembering and distracting until your pet has gotten used to the activity.

Introducing two dogs when one may be aggressive is rubbing a blanket over each of the dogs and letting the other sniff and get used to the smell. Then he introduces them.

Aggressive behavior towards people.

Dogs are to be treated as subordinate members of the family and obey the commands of all humans in the family. Try to avoid inadvertently teaching the dog that he is the pack leader. Leaders think they should be fed first, through the gates first, and served first. When they don’t get their way, they may exhibit aggressive behavior.

Dominant dogs tend to take over the couch. Try to use a house line to prevent the pet from using the furniture. Use the “off” command to discourage this behavior.

Try ignoring the dog and alert its attention, until its begging stops, command it to sit, all to show that you are in command.

Get the dog used to brushing them once a day.

The dog should be the last in the family to eat. Prepare each meal first, including the dog food, but don’t give it to him until he has finished his food first. This is similar to the way a wolf pack works: the leader eats before the subordinates.

You also have to be the first out the door and then your dog, this will also help retrain your dog to think you are the leader of the pack.

The aggressive behavior of dominant dogs can also be curbed by moving their sleeping place to an open area rather than a confined space, so they lose confidence in securing their den.

Practicing fetch drills builds the dog’s confidence that you are the leader.

biting out of fear

Some dogs do not bite because they are aggressive but because they are afraid. Probably because the dog has not had much social action or has been mistreated. They can cower in fear and then bite someone.

Try to alleviate this anxiety by practicing with a friend and allowing your dog to approach your helper and receive a treat from your helper without the helper paying attention. Keep doing this approach, but each time you succeed, switch it up by having the helper kneel while the dog retrieves the treat. Then turning and looking at the dog to retrieve the treat. With practice, the dog will become confident.

The bad habit of watching

A dog may exhibit possessive and aggressive behavior when it believes it is the leader of the pack.

They think they are owners and will try to protect their toys, food dish and sleeping area, even from their owner. Try not to back away from his aggressive behavior when he approaches his food or toy, it will only encourage him to think that he is the leader.

To help train your dog, try first feeding your dog some very bland food such as rice, ask him to smell it, then introduce some tastier food and let him eat, do this for several days until your dog likes it. welcome your approach to dog food. bowl.

Dominant dogs tend to choose their sleeping areas, such as the couch or bed.

Train the dog by keeping him on a leash throughout the day and prompting him to move off the furniture with the “off” command, giving him a treat when he complies.

Some dogs protect their toys, try to avoid playing tug of war when they exhibit this behavior.

Try training your dog with a treat in one hand and a toy in the other, entice your dog to take the toy and then try to retrieve it, give the treat when it complies.

Your dog can be owner-possessive and protect the family when a friend comes to visit. He tried to remedy this by leaving a treat for his friend at the front door so he could give his dog a treat when he complied with his sit and stay commands.

There may be a competitive rivalry between your dogs

Dogs experience emotions like jealousy and rivalry. They will fight for bones, bedrooms, and even attention. They should not share things like food bowls, beds, and toys. Try to feed your dogs at the same time but separate from each other to reduce fighting during meals. Try to determine which dog is the dominant dog and treat accordingly by greeting that dog first and serving the dominant dog first.

Your mature dog may exhibit jealousy when a new one is introduced, try to minimize anxiety by always feeding them together but not within sight of each other. Allow the mature dog a break from the puppy’s constant nagging. Always make sure they have their own private space or bedrooms.

sexual problems

Unfortunately, this is another natural impulse for dogs that can sometimes become annoying and offensive.

Some sex-related problems are leg and toy or rug mounting, urine marking, wandering, and territory protection. Any time a dog tries to mount someone’s arm or leg, respond with the verbal command “out” and isolate him for one minute. Then let them back into the room and ignore them. He keeps isolating them if they keep mounting you. Reward them after they have stopped the offensive activity. You can also use a water gun when they try to assemble objects. Spray them with it and yell the command “off”. If your dog is not going to be used for breeding, consider neutering him to alleviate any problems related to sex.

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