UniFake – Merging 33 Transactions to Save a Crypto Exchange $750k

Merging 33 Transactions

UniFake is a network of websites that have been created to copy the popular card shop Unicc. These websites use the same domain name but include hyphens, “store”, and “bazar” to imitate Unicc. This network is extremely lucrative and has attracted millions of new users and hackers. Group-IB’s Threat Intelligence analysts discovered more than 100 UniFake domain names.

The creator of this fake-shop network has a method to reduce transaction fees by merging transfers into one single transaction. The owner of the website also uses the same transfer process for all wallets. The Group-IB team identified 33 outgoing transactions totaling $746k. The experts traced the money to several wallets on major cryptocurrency exchanges. Aside from these wallets, this network has been a major source of fraudulent activity.


Experts discovered that a fake-shop network merged 33 transactions to save the creator of the network money. This network is made up of a series of different wallets that use the same transfer process. The owner of a SPAGETTI fake-shop network uses this same process to make all his wallets look the same. These scammers are using this method to defraud consumers. The Group-IB experts were able to trace the transactions to a handful of cryptocurrency exchanges.

UniFake – Merging 33 Transactions to Save a Crypto Exchange $750k

The SPAGETTI network merges multiple transactions into one transaction. This allows the creator to save on transaction fees by using the same transfer process to avoid the need for multiple wallets. The creator of the fake-shop network used the same transfer procedure to transfer money to major cryptocurrency exchanges. The Group-IB experts followed the trail of 33 outgoing transactions totaling $746k, which led to the creation of accounts on the major cryptocurrency exchanges.

SPAGETTI uses a system to combine multiple transactions. The creator of the fake-shop network uses the same transfer process to transfer money from one wallet to another. They use the same process for all wallets and have the same amount of money. They also merged all the payments into one transaction, saving the creator of the network from transaction commissions. The scammers allegedly made the fake-shop network owners of a crypto-exchange $750k by merging 33 outgoing transactions.

The SPAGETTI network merges all the transactions into one transaction. The creator of the network uses the same process to transfer money from all wallets. The fake-shop network’s creator uses the same transfer method to transfer money from one wallet to another. The total outgoing transactions in this case totaled $746k. The SPAGETTI network is a scam that is trying to steal your unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges.

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