Who Is Eligible For Victim Compensation Fund Application Scheme?

Victim Compensation Fund Application Scheme

Many victims of crime have to pay for costs that result from their experience of victimization, including medical expenses and lost wages. Most states have crime victim compensation fund application that allow survivors to apply for reimbursements for some of these expenses. The funding for these programs comes from criminal fines and restitution paid by perpetrators, rather than tax dollars. Each state program has its own eligibility rules, but generally survivors who are able to show they are directly impacted by a crime can receive compensation.

The victims’ compensation program is the payer of last resort, which means it will only reimburse eligible expenses once other sources have been used or exhausted. This includes health insurance, worker’s compensation and unemployment benefits; Medicare and Indian Health Services for physical injuries; or Social Security benefits when claiming loss of income. Additionally, the fund cannot by law reimburse for pain and suffering or property damage.

Survivors of sexual assault are often forced to pay for significant and unexpected expenses as a result of their trauma. These costs may include the cost of a therapist, counseling or education, or the replacement of stolen personal items. Crime victims’ compensation funds are designed to help alleviate the financial burden of these expenses and other associated expenses, such as those for housing, lost work and transportation.

Who Is Eligible For Victim Compensation Fund Application Scheme?

However, in order for survivors to qualify for compensation, they must have suffered an injury due to the crime. In the case of sexual assault, this could be a physical or psychological injury, or both. In addition, survivors must have reported the crime to law enforcement and cooperated with the investigation in order to be considered for the program.

According to Common Justice, the restrictions and bureaucracy surrounding victim compensation programs can make it difficult for survivors to access the money they need. Meghan Van Alstyne, founder of the nonprofit VIP Mujeres, which provides support for women who have been affected by violence, says the current system isn’t working. She says that a lack of urgency, as well as strict eligibility requirements, mean that people who need it the most are falling through the cracks.

In the past, it was possible for survivors of sexual assault and other types of violence to apply for crime victim compensation for a wide range of expenses related to their trauma, even if they did not suffer a physical injury. However, that changed in 2022 when a new rule went into effect. Survivors must now be certified for WTC-related physical conditions in order to receive payment from the program. This change is meant to ensure that survivors are being treated for WTC-related conditions and that they meet all other qualifications for compensation.

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